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Posts posted by hbc0950

  1. Your acting as though your team is the only one that has been tested, hell every team in the playoffs thought just like ya'll do. The funny thing is that Last week Everman and Tivy thought they were the team of destiny. Lighten up and give both teams the respect and credit they are due. You never know what'll happen, hell you might be a Bronco fan when it's over and I'll tell what I think you probably could use the help I'll spring for the first couple of hats just to get the SS's Bronco fanclub a start!!

  2. All of which means nothing! Both teams should be proud of there accomplishments. What happens happens. I'm sure that in SS's area the Blogs from Dayton fans sound the same way. I just found it ironic that SS's district has been put forth as the best. And on the other Hand district has been called names. It reality doesn't matter but to be fair you need to look at the districts the teams SS beat came from and the strength. It should be a great game, either way history will be made. I am a Bronco fan but also a High School Football fan!! It'll be fun no matter what!!

  3. You know I'm too pld for this mud slinging but I have to say reading the SS fans posts I thought we were playing a team full of Super Heroes. They keep posting about how tough there district was. Maybe but SS's lost to the 2 elite teams in their district!! This has nothing to do with the outcome of the game but if you are going to pad your resume at least try to include something that makes sense! Go Broncos!!!

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