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Posts posted by mks18118

  1. I will let the video guy speakk for himself, but I would assume the cables and stuff dont reach that for. Remember, the player intros had to be done on the homeside for a reason. It is just my guess.  Last year, it cost $500 ot $1000 worth a sponorship to get them out there, since there is not a gaunrantee on video sales. I think if everyone wants more than they can give, the league needs to people to step up.

    ??? ooopppps didn't mean to upset anyone.  Just thought they wanted input and that was my input :-\... first i heard of the cords not reaching.  Thanks to everyone who did step up the video was great......

  2. Thought the video was great!!!!! although i found it was a little rude not to get pic of visiting team's children on the sidelines as well!  i realize we were the "visiting" team  - however it was the superbowl for kids not pros and they would have liked to have seen themselves as well.  After all, visiting teams purchased the video to make memories as well as the home team's. Hope we're back next year as well as yall it was great coverage!!! Just remember- in any function - try to cover both side...  ;)

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