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Jacksonville Indians

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Posts posted by Jacksonville Indians

  1. Saw this on Smoaky and thought it would make for good conversation here as well. Name something funny or amazing you been through on the field or seen on the field.

    Something funny or amusing!

    Most occurances on a football field, are either exciting, dull, awe inspiring, crazy, or plain ole unexplainable. But I'm sure all of us have witnessed something funny, or amusing on the field as well. Tell us something you personally have witnessed on the field, that was either funny, or amusing. And no fishermans stories. LOL

    Since I brought it up, I'll go ahead and start. Back somewhere around 1959, or 1960 I was at a Buckeye game at the old (Henry) McClelland Field in Gilmer. I don't even remember who Gilmer was playing,,, after all I was only 10 or 11 years old. You have to understand,, this was the time when contact lens were starting to gain popularity. We had a quarterback by the name of Kenneth Fielden, at least I'm about 80% sure he was playing quarterback at the time.

    He happened to be wearing contacts during the game. Now this wasn't the modern kind of soft flexible contacts, but was the old stiff kind. During the game, after a play had been run, he went to one of the officials, and told him he had lost one of his contacts. They stopped the game,,, and had every player, and coach, on both teams, out there on their hands and knees looking for his lost contact. Even the officials were helping. It was a very bizarre site for sure,, .

    Now,, believe it or not, one of the players saw it laying there in the grass, reflecting the lights from the stadium. They gave it to Jerry, and he went to the sidelines,, rinsed it off, and put the thing back in, and the game went on.

    I can't tell you if we won the game or not,,, but I just know I won't ever forget the sight of all those guys out there down on their knees searching for a contact lens. It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen happen on a football field.

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