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Posts posted by Fowld-Up11

  1. I say there are black "somethins" in southeasttexas, it might not be scientifically proven but this is my story on it...I was 11 and my dad and I were bringing a deer he shot to the old processin place in lumberton (by the soccer fields) which is now just a taxidermy shop i believe...and we were draggin this buck into the big freezer and the guy says he wanted to show us somethin...he moves a deer off one of the racks and layin there is a BIG BLACK CAT (which i believe was a panther) looked strait out of the jungle book...said it had been killed somewhere off 421...the paw was about as big as my head...it was the coolest thing id ever seen...this is no lie it was awesome....

  2. commander aint lyin, do it yourself, get the dog "birdy" early, shoot a gun around it early, work on basic obiedience skills sit,stay,here,heel, and laydown,...i got a two year old Fox Red lab ive had for 2 months now and he had no intrest in retrieving a duck/ball/chew toy/nothin....and just by reppitition and about an hour a day or so and alot of praise, he is startin to get the swing of things...youve just gotta build a bond with him/her and its a long slow process, and patience is key......good luck man

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