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get hooked

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Posts posted by get hooked

  1. Buna had a good team.....what makes me laugh is that I was at every weigh-in and I dont remember any other teams that weighed a kid kid 3 times in one day 4 total to make weight so he could run the ball....even saw them running the kid between weigh-ins...interesting

    You really are a MORON...Make you laugh...your telling me that yall have never done anything and I mean anything like that so a kid would make weigh-in. George you are a MORON!!!! man it seems like all you do is try and find something other organizations have done wrong and call them out on here. Grow- up George.

  2.   Depending on how each person looks at this  (good or bad) some are going to like this and some are not. Leagues just have to try not to let it get out of hand. I will tell you some younger kids that i have seen play could move up and be just as good as the older kids they are playing with, but that is my opinion. You have your opinion and we have ours, and no matter what is said were not going to agree.  

    You hit the nail right on the on the head..

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