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HF Horns Fan

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Posts posted by HF Horns Fan

  1. I thought athletics was "extracurricular" activity. This one player isn't anything without the rest of the TEAM. If this is true, his parents are teaching him a valuable lesson, that they think he is better than everyone else. I wonder if they are as concerned with his academics  ??? I am just as competitive as the next person, however, the chances of going pro and making millions are very slim. Why not teach him the real lesson of the sport, "TEAMWORK", that when everyone works together towards a common goal, success will follow. I hope this is not true.

  2. Hey Redbird, keep bumping those gums. This is the motivation that our guys will use next year to not slow down, and put up 100 on your team....Thanks for the speech...Cause the team ya'll faced Friday, is the team for the next couple of years....But on a serious note, to the Cardinal players, do not let statements like these alter your individual points of view. It has been a tough year...Things will improve. I never once saw QUIT in any of the players Friday night...keep your heads high and see yall next season...

  3. Umaga, they do this after EVERY game, win or lose ! Out of the playoff                    picture (?)...maybe you need to look at the schedule again, cause it probably won't be over til week 10. I for one appreciate the things Coach Mangan has instilled in these players and program. And to Mr. Straycat, you said it made the hair on your neck stand up, man, I bet that was a lot of HAIR !!!!!!!!!  Lol      Good luck to you Bobcats the rest of the season.

  4. Yeah, maybe you shoulda kept that to yourself. That's just what we need, someone spouting accusations with no facts to base it on. And the players reading these threads and forming opinions based upon allegations. When you put accusations like that on here, the players read it and think it. Why not post something positive, and may the better team Friday, walk away with the victory.  Good luck to you Bobcats, not all HF fans agree with HFmom.

  5. DP, please get your facts straight. The HF fans were not upset with the selection of Coach Mangan for the AD job. The fans were upset that a dedicated coach that they were familiar with, and who also applied for the AD job, was not selected. This man poured his heart and soul into an undisciplined program, and consistently produced one of the top defenses in the area. So well as a matter of fact, that he brought his talents to PNG, where he continues to show his ability to get the job done. As for Coach Mangan, I along with all the HF fans that I know, have respected and admired him since day one, and wish him continued success.

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