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Chazz Reinhold

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Posts posted by Chazz Reinhold

  1. im gonna be highly upset if artest gets suspended and kobe doesnt. that was clearly an elbow to the neck, and now everybody is saying it was below the shoulders.

    for those that dont know any shots above the shoulders are grounds for IMMEDIATE ejection and a possible suspension...kobe barely got a tech. dont ya just love how the league loves kobe and changes the rules just for him.

    You sure about that?

    This is the hidden content, please

    oh im sorry.....guess i didnt see it right......artest took one to the chin. however the league wont do anything to kobe...its all about ratings. if it means bending the rules so he can play, they are gonna do it. if he does this in the regular season i think its a different story.

  2. im gonna be highly upset if artest gets suspended and kobe doesnt. that was clearly an elbow to the neck, and now everybody is saying it was below the shoulders.

    for those that dont know any shots above the shoulders are grounds for IMMEDIATE ejection and a possible suspension...kobe barely got a tech. dont ya just love how the league loves kobe and changes the rules just for him.

  3. Roy Oswalt

    15 wins ------------------over

    3.50 era -----------------under

    Wandy Rodriguez

    13 wins-------------------over

    3.90 era------------------under

    Mike Hampton

    4.20 era------------------push

    Jose Valverde

    37 saves-----------------push

    7 blown saves------------over

    Latroy Hawkins

    6 saves------------------over

    Lance Berkman

    30 home runs-------------over

    105 rbis------------------under

    Carlos Lee

    32 home runs-------------over

    110 rbis------------------over

    number of flyballs he doesnt catch that the average outfielder would- 50 -------under

    Miguel Tejada

    12 home runs-------------push

    number of times during the season you say "Everett wouldve gotten that ball" - 20---------under

    his actual age- 38--------under

    Hunter Pence

    27 home runs-------------push

    55 walks-----------------under

    3 hot girlfriends during the season--------over


    .250 avg------------------over

    12 home runs-------------over

    Michael Bourn

    .265 avg-------------------over

    52 steals-------------------push

    Kaz Matsui

    125 games played-----------over

    25 steals--------------------under

    .5 anal fissures--------------over

    Over/under when Cecil Cooper realized Keppinger is better than Blum - all star break-------over

    (Jim Deshaies)JD's jokes during astros games- 1000-------over

    but then again im an optimist.

  4. Alright... I will not comment on Chazz's lack of knowledge in the fight game... but Silva will probably win big... (but forrest could have another griffin vs. jackson performance and shock us all)

    i have a pretty good knowledge of the fight game thank you very much. i also know that not all fighters walk around 20+ lbs over fight weight. my good buddy fights 185 and walks around 190-195. some get comfortable then train rediculously crazy....but not all. yes i train with him, but i do not fight. i dont have good stand up...so i stay outside the ring.

  5. we were talking about tito. yeah i know some people cut 20 lbs to fight but NOT ALL. and you shot your self in the foot here too

    Forrest Griffin vs. Anderson Silva (not Thiago Silva) targeted for UFC 101-THIS IS WHY ANDERSON SILVA IS PFP BEST BECAUSE HE FIGHTS BIG TIME GUYS and FIGHTS MORE THAN 1 TIME A YR..He could lose this one though

    if he is PFP best then would you expect him to lose? that does nothing to say hes pfp best.......i still think its between gsp and fedor.

  6. you don't know me so you don't know if i am a  bandwagon jumper are not...Zuffa LLC, which owns the UFC, also owns the WEC, but the two operate as separate organizations  I know this but if UFC wanted a top guy like Faber which is supposed to go to the ufc in the next yr are so they can have them.......Thats why you have been seeing more guys from WEC fighting in the UFC latley.......ZUFFA OWN WEC AND UFC

    partner organizations means they are owned by the same company dude. and the ufc doesnt have a featherweight division. show me some of this knowledge you say that you have.

  7. WEC is OWN by UFC so those fighters are basically UFC fighters.......Affliction won't make it.....I do like strikeforce though  thought diaz looked good the other night but he did fight a old shamrock....I watch every organization man I really do.......But from TOP to BOTTOM UFC has the better fighters....

    correction Zuffa owns WEC. UFC and WEC are partner organizations but neither owns the other. You believe what you want....ill always know your a bandwagon jumper.

  8. Man I watch every organization I like fedor he's a beast and is in the top 3 pfp best....All i am saying is to be the best you got to fight the best and fight more than 1 time in a year...Thats all i am saying...Fedor use to fight the best guys out there....But rightnow he's not fighting the best and he's not fighting for the best organization......if you UFC wants the pitbull and tim back they would get them back in the UFC but they don't want them back becasue they don't need them...

    aparently not...becuase if you did you would realize what venom is saying is true.....there are much better fighters out there than what the UFC has to offer. yes UFC is the more recognizable name, but you gotta look past that to see the true beauty of the sport. i seriously used to be just like you and think UFC was the biggest and baddest thing there was. now i look out and see WEC, Dream, Strikeforce, Affliction, M1, etc. and realize theres bigger and badder guys outside of the UFC.

  9. I dont want to hear Silva is the best P4P fighter anymore.... Is he a bada$$,no doubt but to be considered the best P4P you have to be able to finish a fight ANYWHERE and he cant!

    Horrible PPV as usual but we as fans continue to dish out the money and as long as that happens the UFC wil continue to put on below average, TUF diluted PPV's.

    thank you....

  10. the reason beltran left is because of his agent....scott boras. boras demands money for his clients. other than pudge, who else since beltran left was a client of Scott Boras? none. as for the worst trade of all time....2 years ago: brad lidge for michael bourne. as of now its a bad trade but ask me again in 3 years and it could be a different story. since the trade lidge hasnt blown a save and the phillies have won the world series.....and bourn has hit somewhere around .240. yeah i know trade value of lidge then was TERRIBLE, but the outcome is what truely matters and so far its gone the way of the Phillies.

    Dan Wheeler and Chad Qualls are doing good now.

    Who did the Stros get for tradeing them?

    qualls was involved in the valverde trade....id say thats been pretty even.

    dan wheeler was traded for wigginton.....a stros win on that one.

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