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Posts posted by morr

  1. went to the Vidor/Lumb game last night.  first varsity soccer game i've attended.  thought it an interesting game.  it was better hot chocolate weather than football games.  we always look forward to cool football game weather.  thought it might be a bit cold and wet for soccer shorts though.  good game all in all, though i was a bit amazed at one goalie waiting for the ball to fall in his lap.  don't understand why Vidor had so many off-sides called on them.  maybe someone can explain the off-sides thing to me.  whatever the rule, though, surely Vidor knows the rules better than me.  difficult to concentrate in that though weather i suppose.  better luck next game guys.  need some more support for our team.  though it may have been warmer at the basketball game the same night.  hmmm, just thinking.

  2. it makes more sense if one must change it to go with texas state university-beaumont than southeast texas state university in beaumont, texas. however, i think lamar has been around long enough that is known as it is. if this is an image change, what kind of other changes might be more appropriate, i.e. mascot, mascot name, community awareness, slogans, etc.

    just my humble opinion. th-th-th-that's all folks.

  3. there's not enough cohesion in our community to strongly support a lamar football team. generally speaking, lamar is a state school; a home kind of place that one can afford. in the past they have had a large foreign student base and older students. the older students may lack the school spirit of young adults. the foreign students barely know football american style. in the past, there were complaints that football received all the support and other sports had no chance. there seems to be a lack of economy to strongly support many of the entertainment industry's attractions. look at ford park, both music and hockey. i'm not saying it can't happen. there just seems to be more attractions competing with local football today than in the past.

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