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Posts posted by MLG66

  1. No crying here unless it was HF thinking they may have to finish the game, but good old AD jumped in and helped them out so they could win, ha ha.  Not that it makes much of a difference to BC, can you say who is NUMBER 1....................say it loud..................

    BRIDGE CITY IS with or without your AD getting you the win.  It's just a shame you won't know for sure unless the game is played out who the real winner in the game is.

    I get it now!!! Tonbe #1 we need to import players from other areas. I think we should start with Mexico. I heard that they have some real talent down there.

  2. Funny thing is, the rain and lightning had been going on all game, but as soon as HF gets ahead again, OH, game is called, imagine that................and no one's mad because we weren't ahead, we had come back all night to go ahead so that didn't scare anybody, but apparently it did your AD, he had to call it then so you could hopefully win, lol.

    REALLY NOW??? So it all of a sudden pouring down rain didn't have anything to do with it?      And by the way didn't they hit off of all your pitchers. WOW!!!     BC definitely would not have come back

    It poured down several times during the game, and didn't we hit off all your pitchers too???  You bet we did and came back from being down 8-1 didn't we, so we definitely would not have came back from that?  But your AD is trying to be sure we don't cuz he's chicken ****

    I think more tears have hit the ground than raindrops... yall batted first SO I THINK THAT PUTS YOU BEHIND IN THE END. anything else?
  3. Funny thing is, the rain and lightning had been going on all game, but as soon as HF gets ahead again, OH, game is called, imagine that................and no one's mad because we weren't ahead, we had come back all night to go ahead so that didn't scare anybody, but apparently it did your AD, he had to call it then so you could hopefully win, lol.

    REALLY NOW??? So it all of a sudden pouring down rain didn't have anything to do with it?      And by the way didn't they hit off of all your pitchers. WOW!!!    BC definitely would not have come back

  4. the play of the game was when derek lalonde dropped the infield pop up on purpose the batter was not running down the line so he threw it to second then to first double play..   good job horns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It might be the play of the game too you, But for me it shows a complete disrespect for the game of Baseball !!!!!!!!

    If a team is good, the double plays are made honestly, not by dropping a pop-up on purpose to get a double play..............that's pretty lame for a high school team to do.  And to think someone thinks that's the play of the game?  Wow.

    Just to straighten things out....

    THIS IS BY FAR THE MOST IGNORANT THING I HAVE EVER SEEN ONE SETX.  Have you ever played baseball????  ALWAYS run down the line full speed no matter what, even when you know you are going to get beat to the bag.  You need to spend the next 2 weeks inside of your house alone in the dark concentrating on the sports channel so you can learn about baseball and so you don't infect any innocent civillians with your stupidity at the same time.  Back to the point, (not to get on the runner from the other night) I know that any coach worth 2 cents would run the crap their baseball team if anyone didn't even attempt to run down the line, he walked ten steps.  That was an awesome play, I give props to Lalonde for thinking ahead and thinking about what he needs to do.  That is NOT disrespect for the game of Baseball that is playing it and playing it well.  By the way the double play was the PLAY OF THE GAME.

    Awesome play and PLAY OF THE GAME?  If that is what you think of a infielder purposely dropping a pop fly in order to get a double play, then you apparently are not a baseball player because that play could be done lots of times in most games, but it's not..................can you even begin to guess why most players wouldn't do that?

    WELL..... my answer to that is because they are not smart enough.  A good baseball player thinks ahead...Once again that was a great play. He made Silsbee pay for being lazy noticing that they were'nt even trying to run to 1st.  Let's hope that this was a learning experience and next time they will run to the bag.  I think that was a sufficient answer to your question.  Let me know if it wasn't.
  5. From where I was sitting, it looked like the HF second baseman did not drop the little blooper on purpose. You could see his reaction because he was looking around to see where he needed to throw it first. After being directed to throw it to second, then the shortstop was then directed to throw it to first for the double play. None of it looked like it was done on purpose, it was all by accident.

    The only fault here was the Silsbee player not running to first. You got to run everything out, or things like this can happen.

    I will say that intentionally dropping a ball to create a double play can be seen as bush league, but it's part of the game.

    Was the ball into the outfield grass?  Or why wasn't the infield fly rule in effect?

    Has to be runners at 1st and 2nd for the infield fly rule to be in effect. Plus this was more of a soft liner.

    for all you ppl that for some reason think that that is the worst thing you could do in baseball... You prolly need consider finding a new site to post your crap on.......BOTTOM LINE IT WAS A DOUBLE PLAY HF WON THEY'RE IN THE PLAYOFFS SO STOP CRYING, WE GOT ENOUGH RAIN THIS WEEKEND WE DONT NEED YOU TEARS FLOODING THE DITCHES AGAIN.

  6. From where I was sitting, it looked like the HF second baseman did not drop the little blooper on purpose. You could see his reaction because he was looking around to see where he needed to throw it first. After being directed to throw it to second, then the shortstop was then directed to throw it to first for the double play. None of it looked like it was done on purpose, it was all by accident.

    The only fault here was the Silsbee player not running to first. You got to run everything out, or things like this can happen.

    I will say that intentionally dropping a ball to create a double play can be seen as bush league, but it's part of the game.

    Was the ball into the outfield grass?  Or why wasn't the infield fly rule in effect?

    It was behind the dirt

  7. the play of the game was when derek lalonde dropped the infield pop up on purpose the batter was not running down the line so he threw it to second then to first double play..   good job horns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It might be the play of the game too you, But for me it shows a complete disrespect for the game of Baseball !!!!!!!!

    If a team is good, the double plays are made honestly, not by dropping a pop-up on purpose to get a double play..............that's pretty lame for a high school team to do.  And to think someone thinks that's the play of the game?  Wow.

    Just to straighten things out....

    THIS IS BY FAR THE MOST IGNORANT THING I HAVE EVER SEEN ONE SETX.  Have you ever played baseball????  ALWAYS run down the line full speed no matter what, even when you know you are going to get beat to the bag.  You need to spend the next 2 weeks inside of your house alone in the dark concentrating on the sports channel so you can learn about baseball and so you don't infect any innocent civillians with your stupidity at the same time.  Back to the point, (not to get on the runner from the other night) I know that any coach worth 2 cents would run the crap their baseball team if anyone didn't even attempt to run down the line, he walked ten steps.  That was an awesome play, I give props to Lalonde for thinking ahead and thinking about what he needs to do.  That is NOT disrespect for the game of Baseball that is playing it and playing it well.  By the way the double play was the PLAY OF THE GAME.

  8. HF is in but if OF win against WOS and HF lose to BC a playoff will happen with HF and OF. But i think HF will finsh 2nd and OF 3rd......GO HORNS!!!!

    For everybody who can't understand what d-hawk is talking about. 

    If OF beats WOS and H-F loses to BC, then HFand OF they will flip a coin for 2nd or 3rd.  More than likely that's what's going to happen.  Just to clear that up.

  9. Not that anyone on here will care, but I am going to delete my account from SETXsports. It has come to my attention that I have offended some people with my comments on this board. I assure you that was never my intentions. If I have done so, please accept my apology.

    (I like to stir things up, it's my nature.)

    I will continue to read the threads, I love high school sports! I have the utmost respect for those young men and women who sacrifice so much of their time to play for the name on the FRONT of their jersey and not the one on the back.

    Good luck to all of you and the teams you support!

    "How beautiful is youth! how bright it gleams with its illusions, aspirations, dreams! Book of Beginnings, Story without End, Each maid a heroine, and each man a friend! "

    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882) U.S. poet.

    No reason to delete the account. it's always fun to talk some trash every once in a while

  10. cardinal guy get real now..........name the 5 or 6 guys that could go play double AA right now.......

    Hicks could pitch also probably Nathan from WB

    Felts, the homerun hitter from PNG to name a few  :P ok maybe I got a little carried away

    hicks this, hicks that, hicks could probably go play AA ball.  Cardinal Guy get his autograph, put it on your wall, and kiss it every night before you go to bed.... But keep your love for him to yourself.

  11. Sure...anything is possible...   Not very likely,,,but nevertheless possible.

    That would be pretty cool to see..a SETX HS all-star team vs. the Astros...that would be something those kids would remember for the rest of their lives..and if they happened to win...WOW!!!!

    The players that are on the Astros are in the major leagues for a reason....  They are good at what they do...and as for the SETX HS all-star team that played them, would remember the game as the biggest killing of their lives. 

  12. WOOOOO..pump the brakes their bobcat05 you prolly should never speak again Cuz all hf is gonna have to do is show up and they will win for making that ridiculous comment ill tell you Wat u need to do go and sick Ur head in the toilet and flush it to get out all the crap you have in Ur mouth and you just made everybody dumber for having to read that ..lol

    do i need to tell your mom to put soap in your mouth ????.....show up huh? i though you had to play 7 innings ??? or am i just dumber than you??

    I guess what he meant to say was that the only thing H-F had to do is show up and play baseball.  That's what they did tonight.  The score shows it.  H-J has one more chance to put some points on the board.  Doubt it's going to happen.

  13. like i said hf alwaysss has excuses!! no matter what the situation hah

    ok look here fool hf dont always have excuses they just had a bad game and 2nite when they beat hj and orangefeild slips up aginst silsbee and hf takes 2nd place wats gonna be they're excuse then?

    ok let's chill for a lil while.  5 o'clock will come soon enough, then we can talk about h-f settling down into 2nd place.  3 and 1/2 hours left

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