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Posts posted by woshigh

  1. [quote name="td" post="790061" timestamp="1271252478"]
    We will see. The way things are going I'm not so sure we will see. However I think we should see. Not sure Coach will be given the opportunity. I think if he isn't that it will be the biggest travesty ever at WOS sports.
    Coach T not only has the greatest football knowledge on the defensive side of the football in the state of Texas, but he is also one of the best disciplinarians I have ever played for.

    Ask any teacher at the high school about the students' behavior while he was at Palestine.  I GUARANTEE there is not one teacher that will tell you the students acted in the same manner when he was/is there.

    I am against the superintendent/school board making up this position.  If it is for academics only, there is no need.  Maybe the other coaches need to instill an academic "program" like the football team uses.  I would bet the farm the failure rate for football players is a lot lower than every other sport.  Some may say football players are "handed" their grades, but that is not true.

    On the other hand, my gut feeling is the superintendent wants someone with a little power other than a football coach.  IMO he probably thinks the football program trumps all other athletics.
  2. at WOS the hard work starts when the kids are 6 years old.  can someone tell me what the record for the 7th. & 8th. was in 2008. this record will tell you what we (as fans) have to look forward to.

    I know the 8th grade teams were undefeated.  What is really surprising is that not a single point was scored against either the A or B team....  This year's 9th grade group will have some studs.

  3.    After reading your post on both WO-S threads, you seem to have the "poor me" attitude. If the school board cannot afford public transportation, it will be left to the parents. That's a fact you cant argue. I posted a message a few months ago.....after my divorce, quit a job that required nights and got a day job Mon - Fri with a serious enough paycut to have to sell my house. The benefit is I have 1/2 custody of my child and I'm off when hes not in school. We can't do as much financially, but we got each other. I'm not super dad, have made my mistakes, but at least I know what is important....taking care of my kid!

    You see, that is why WO-S is so different and that is what many of the WO-S posters have been trying to say.  You just proved the point.  Many of the parents could care less about their kids.  Why punish the kids because of this?


    td, if you would run for school board you would get my vote, along with many others I would bet.

    Seriously, that board member needs to be ran off.  He clearly has no interest in the kids.  How many students have their college paid for because of athletics?  Would these same students be able to afford college without athletics?

    I would be interested in knowing how many of the school board members actually visit the schools and see how things are going and how often......

    As for the buses being cut off, I nominate the board members to sit with the athletes that wait on their ride when practice is over.  What if their ride doesn't show up?  Should the coaches be able to call the board members and get them to bring the kids home?

    I added a little more. 

    This is the hidden content, please

  5. There was a board member that made a statement about that last night at the meeting. Not just football but athletics.

    td, if you would run for school board you would get my vote, along with many others I would bet.

    Seriously, that board member needs to be ran off.  He clearly has no interest in the kids.  How many students have their college paid for because of athletics?  Would these same students be able to afford college without athletics?

    I would be interested in knowing how many of the school board members actually visit the schools and see how things are going and how often......  This is not directed at EVERY member on the board, but the majority.  I know there is at least one member that is in touch with what goes on at the schools.

    As for the buses being cut off, I nominate the board members to sit with the athletes that wait on their ride when practice is over.  What if their ride doesn't show up?  Should the coaches be able to call the board members and get them to bring the kids home?

    Also, just to add to that, how many football players failed?  I would bet the farm that the failure rate of athletes is way lower than students not involved in athletics.  Why is that?  Because even if an athlete has an A, you can guarantee that he/she is in tutorials EVERY DAY.

  6. I haven't seen Gilmer play but I have seen WOS.  They have a fast/quick defense that swarms to the ball carrier.  I hear that Gilmer has a very explosive offense.  You know what they say, offense sells tickets, but defense wins championships.  Should be a great game.  Good luck to both teams!!!

    Gilmer is very good.  IMO, what will win the game for us is discipline.  They dropped quite a few passes against Mexia and their secondary is suspect.  Diboll had receivers open all night a couple of weeks ago, they just couldn't complete them.  We will complete those passes.

  7. So taking away the "big plays," WO-S had 186 yards of offense.  (I didn't count the 15-yard pass to Steen a big play.)

    You can't count on the big plays and defensive scores once you get into the playoffs.  Those teams won't make the mistakes we have been seeing lately.  I couldn't believe my eyes when we didn't line up in the Power I on the first possession when we were on the goal line that ended with the missed field goal that hit the crossbar.

  8. 80% of the points scores was done by Special Teams or big plays.

    That is what scares me.  I want to see the stats from last night.  I want to see how many yards we had MINUS the big plays.......  The offense never got going IMO.  We didn't move the ball very well except for the big plays.

    But you have to give the BC defense credit.  They were decent against the run and were surprisingly quick to the ball.  They were all over Quinny all night.

  9. Each person on here would have done something differently if they were the OC.  What worked in the first half didn't work in the second half.  If we would have ran different plays in the second half, everyone would be asking "why veer away from what was working?" La Vega made the corrections with their defense during the half.  Our coaches didn't fumble twice in the 4th quarter.....

    And I will be the first to say that WO-S has the worst fan base out of any school in the area.  The crowd was a little better last night though.  These kids go through the toughest offseason in the state busting their tails for your entertainment.  On crucial 3rd and 4th downs, I bet less than half of the crowd is on their feet.  Is that any way to cheer these kids on?  What a selfish group of fans.

    IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE PLAY CALLING, GET SOME GUTS, GO TO SCHOOL, AND GET A COACHING JOB!  But WO-S probably wouldn't waste the time even looking at your applications.

    Congrats to the WO-S players for an excellent season.  You all have exceeded expectations this season.  I am very proud of you guys.  Work hard in the offseason and make us proud again next year.

  10. IMO, It would only be disrespectful if the team went to the opposing team's sideline and did it.  The center of the field doesn't "belong" to the home team.  I could care less.

    What is disrespectful is the guys at Kirbyville that sit in the back of the truck that blow that freakin horn all night, especially when opposing players and coaches walk by them.  Or how about the strobe light that is left on during the game while the opposing team is facing that endzone?

    Or what about Hardin-Jefferson putting their run-through on the opposing team's side of the field?  I could only imagine what everyone would say if WO-S did that.......

  11. Josh Rhodes--wos?????? the only reason he gets a uniform is because they had an extra one in the closet

    That is totally uncalled for. He has been very impressive on defense the last couple of games. He will be a threat on defense as well as offense next year.

    I thought Hypolite did an amazing job in the 4th quarter last week, as well as Kevin Robertson. They are both hard runners. The future does indeed look bright.

  12. Gas' date=' I told an important person on the phone last night that I thought the key this week was:


    We need to all remember that KEY this week. We do that really well, we win!!!!!

    I was very impressed with the tackling last week against Liberty. Granted Fitzhenry will be harder to take down because of his quickness, but if he hesitates, he won't go anywhere.

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