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Posts posted by woodman

  1. I liked everything Knight said at his first news conference.  I was really impressed with what he said about his knowledge of our players and that he had watched game tapes of them. I wonder how much of what he said was because he believed it, or it was the right thing to say. I don't know if he is a good X's and O's guy.  My biggest concern is his ability to motivate the kids.  I think Rocs biggest fault was his superimposed ego and his motivation skills worked negatively.  I think he broke the spirit and confidence of most of his players.  If Knight can get this back, and get the players believing in themselves, he will be more successful that Roc. Plus a little defense won't hurt!
  2. I like many others am thinking of not renewing my season tickets I have had since the last year of Foster. This is a total embarrassment for Lamar.  A great recruiting class with loads of talent and it was a total waste. Roc is not a motivator and in my opinion has the ability to take a good player and bring out the worst in him.  His method of having " the  right players in the game" sucks.

    Let me preface what I am about to say with this:  I think Coy is a fine young man, a good student, probably works his arce off in  practice, and a good leader. I wish him the very best at whatever endeavors he may pursue.  He is not a good player. He is a percentage player.  By this I mean if you pass the ball to him, it is 50% he will catch it,  50% chance it will be stolen away if he does catch it,  100% he will put it on the floor if going to the basket, 50% or less he will finish the shot strongly.   Last night I saw several balls hit him in the hands and could not hold on.  His rebounding is terrible and twice I saw a lay ups by a SAM player behind him and he didn't even know it.  This from our senior post  player and worst than that Roc left him in!!!!!!!!!  BIg O has a way to go but he can a least catch a pass, rebound, and score.

    One more thought. A lot has been said about Lamar not having the bucks to pay Roc off. Maybe Lazeek or coach can answer this, is there a NCAA rule about the number of assistant coaches a team has?  If not why couldn't the pay Roc his next years salary, fire him, and make Tic "INTERIM" coach for next year.  That way Lamar is not out of any additional money and it would give Lamar a whole year to find a replacement coach.  I am NOT a Tic fan but this is a way out without costing anything and if you tell him he will be considered for the HC job contingent on his performance it would keep him motivated to win?
  3.  I wish we had Tidwell for the guys coach.  He is so different form Roc in the way he coaches, treats his players, the refs, and   the public.  My friend and I went to one of his pre season practices to see Plumery and Kalis.  He came over and talked to us, explained his expectations and give us a rundown of all the players.   We were standing at the entrance  of the gym and he pulled two chairs up to mid court and motioned us over to sit.  It may have been an act but I came away with the feeling he is a class act.  Roc will run you out of the gym.  One thing I truely hate about the arrogant Roc is the way he talks to Dave during the after game interviews.  Dave has done 900 games and he doesn't need Roc's smart*** arrogant comments.  
  4. I have a question for one of you guys that keep up with BB stats.  Fifth year senior Aston Hall lost one year to a car accident, last year for a knee injury and has not played much this year.  Anyone know how many minutes he has played in his 5 years.  I know he was a man among boys while playing High School ball but has had a rough time in D-1.
  5. Britney was a step too slow for this outing.  She did a good job on the sideline as cheerleader though.  I know most of the folks on this site are watching the guys but these ladys are playing some great BB.  The folks that don,t go see them are missing the best/complete girls team I have seen in many years.  Plumley is a pleasure to watch,  as soon as she gets the ball, she has someone in mind to pass to. She uses great passes to get the ball up the court instead of dribbling.  Team mates better watch her at all times or they could be eating a ball. If we had Tamera back WOW!
  6. I haven't seen a game  yet where Roc has shown to be a good head coach. Making decisions or changes that impact a game.  I have seen several where he didn't make changes or adjust and lost!!

      As far as a recruiter.  When you are recruiting form Memphis, Texas, Texas Tech, LSU etc. it's like picking a team on the school lot.  You don,t have to recruit much, just pick who you will allow to come to your team after the biggies are gone.
  7. I went  to todays game with Alcorn.  The ladys looked good. I was very inpressed witht the play of both Plumery and Loyd.
    Plumery sees the court outstandingly and make some incredible passes.  Plumery can shoot the three from five or six feet behind the  line and has a great touch. She made four or five threes today. Loyd has great hands and can hit the afterburners and fly. The team is unselfish and moves the ball well.  We missed a lot of layups on offensive rebounds and did have turnover troubles. I think after some more playing together and learning each other, they will be fine. Britney and Ang had good games also.

  8. Custer played like a JR High guy. Always put the ball on the ground when making a move and usually had it taken away.  He needs to man up big time.  I think he has the talent but needs to loose the bad habits fast.

    AS for the last five minutes of the game, they were very painful to watch. A 15 point lead vanished to 1.
  9. I have a thought about opposition defence and our recent play. All this season anyone (especially Roc) speaking about Lamar has said Kenny is the key and Lamar is as good as he plays.  This tells the opponents all they need to do is stop Kenny and they win. Which in a lot of cases this year it was true.  With Kenny not in there, the opposition doesn't know who to stop!  As for our players, they have been told the same thing about Kenny being the heart of the team so they have been relying on him to carry the team and not putting out the effort they have been putting in the last two games.  I still think out defence sucks and adjustments come to few and too late.  One other thought is the loss of intensity. These guys come out of the tunnel (especially after half time ) like they just come off a 10 mile run. Walking/swaggering in looking like they lost all interest and emotion.

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