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Posts posted by josuenachos

  1. I know that this is only preseason and whatnot but still not a good start. I am worried about this season because we play every team in the NL Central in the first month of baseball. With the way the Astros have started seasons recently...i'm afraid they will be 8 games back before the season really even kicks off

  2. In a surprise turn of events, the refs feel so bad about how they officiated the previous mathup, they refuse to call fouls. Even after the Sam crowd loses their cool and charges the refs. They shout back to the fans, "Let them play!" With SHSU's 40-year old LeBron lookalike not taking 40 free throws, the cards eek out a close one 78-72.  :D

  3. The refs we NOT bad last night...

    Really???!! I had four SHSU fans sitting next to me talking the whole time about how bad the officiating was...both ways. 69 foul calls in a 50 minute game. That works out to a foul call about every 45 seconds. that amount of foul calls led to absolutely NO consistency in play. No one can get in a rhythm that way. Alot of those calls were ridiculous. There were over 100 foul shots taken. That is just bad. No other way to look at it. Let em play a little man. Oh well. What can you do about it......except get a technical. 

  4. They could have beat A&MCC last night. I was at the game and the Islanders really were not all that impressive. The only thing they really had was size. Between the Linebacker that they have that was draining threes and the Dirk Nowitzki lookalike we were outsized.

    Also I didn't see any reason to stop the full court press in the second half. It worked well and the Cards got back within 8 points. Once we went back to half court D, the deficit was 20 within a few minutes. I think Lamar has a decent team, get over injuries and with the right playcalling, they have a shot of at least making the Southland Tourney.

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