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Posts posted by Orangeblooded

  1. You are right the better team won.  We just dont have the speed that you guys do.

    About not shaking the coaches hands after the game, I am one of the Vidor coaches and I did not shake any of the coaches hands, but I shook every one of the WOS kids hands and told them they played a good game. Throwing a bomb with 23 secs left in the game when you are up 22-0 shows lack of class I dont care what you say. I guess 22-0 is not impressive enough win against Vidor.

    All year when we got up by quite bit of points we substituted our entire backfield and did not even think about running up the score.  But that is the difference between a staff with class and a staff with no class.

    I hope the WOS Blue team wins yalls matchup.  

  2. How do the coaches have tons of class throwing a bomb up 22-0 with 29 secs left in the game.

    Also I agree on the refs they were terrible but if you want to talk holding just ask our corners that were mugged on all 3 long td runs.

    Only one td was called back for holding on yall.

    But we could go back and forth on this and never agree.

  3. WOS White beat Vidor Black  22-0

    Wos was ahead at the half 7-0.  Had 3 long td runs and only 1 st down. And they got that 1st down late in the game with 29 sec left and up 22-0,  when they decided that they did not have enough points yet.

    Good thing that my son ran him down from behind.   I really thought that they might even call timeout with 13 secs left to try to score again.

    Lots of class shown by the wos coaching staff.

    Also like all season long the refs were terrible.

    Hats off to the Pirate kids they played with alot of heart.

    I am very proud of them.

  4. [glow=red,2,300][/glow] ;D ;D ;D just wanted to say great job to all who is playing this coming weekend.to those who's season is over hope y'all had as much fun this season as me and my son did. we took a lot of lumps and and hard hits this season but all and all we really are looking forward to next season.i have had the pleasure of being associated with VJFA and Lonestar now for 4 years and we always come back for more.If perfect is what is being looked for in an association then we as coach's and parents need to step to the plate and help the lonestar board make it better. by all means be competitive but remember the roll you have taken and don't cast stones at those who have stepped up for your kid's and mine.thanks Lonestar and VJFA for another great season. By the way our homecomeing float Rocked!!!!!!!!!!

    Your float did rock, I was at homecoming and it really looked good next to Paul's trailer.

    sorry I couldn't help it!

    But it really did Rock!

                      Paul had 3 trailers full of lots and lots of kids.....  9 teams worth of kids....

                                Thanks for noticing Cap Claude

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