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Posts posted by bbjunk53

  1. and nederland and PNG are really loaded with young talent aren't they!?

    Both PNG Freshman and JV are loaded with talent.  Here are a few names that come up:

    PNG Freshman

    Tyler Lacour

    Daniel Sparrow

    Jordan Rodriguez

    Aaron Graham

    PNG Sophomores(other than the ones already mentioned on this post)

    Hunter Knox

    Hunter Denzlinger

  2. thank you, queenb77630.  Unfortunately, BC will not have a 15 year old team.  BC kids are trying to play NBR and were told by the NBR president can't play there.  They are opting for playing Sr BR, which we forgot about.  Yes, 15 year old can play SRBR.  They have allowed Nederland kids to do this before, I don't see why not.  To wutup, thank you for clearing up information.  As far as we know, the element can't be removed like you say, unless they stepped down, because the they were elected?? for this position.  We know that most 13 year olds from PNG did not sign up there due to this.  A lot of 14 year olds did the same.  And the 15 are stuck.  Now we know that NBR numbers are down from previous years.  GOOD LUCK new board, you have a long way to go to prove yourself.  NOW you can be called Nederland BR. GOOD LUCK Port Neches Pony, you are looking better and better each year. 

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