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Big Sexy

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Posts posted by Big Sexy

  1. Registration dates have been selected for the upcoming Spring 2010 Season:

    When? January 16th & 23rd 8:00am to 3:00pm and January 19th & 21st 3:30pm to 7:00pm

    Where? Sour Lake Elementary Gym

    Ages? Instructional (3-4) Shetland (5-6) Pinto (7-8) Mustang (9-10) Bronco (11-12) Pony (13-14)

    We look forward to seeing everyone for another great year!!!

  2. I dont disagree completely with your opinion on the By Laws, but I dont think having By Laws is a bad thing either. While a lot of the By Laws are just repeats of whats in the Pony rules some are required and needed. While most parks have a Shetland AND Pinto field ours is combined, Therefore the By Laws restricting game times are needed in order to play all of the games by Pony league rules (games cant start after 7:30pm, etc.) The problem is that the By Laws are not talked about or changed and posted on a regular basis. The whole reason for By Laws is to cut down on confusion on such things as All-Stars, financial policies, etc. Unfortunatly half of the time its seems to create greater confusion :-\. LOL!!

  3. Heard you guys played a good game last night Lazeek, sounded like we pulled one out at the very end. Hopefully I will be home for our next game, this being out of town sucks this time of year! Also heard you treated the umpires with the utmost respect last night, to bad I wasn't there to get you riled up! ;D ;D ;D ;) ;) ;)

  4. I definitely think you are entitled to your opinion even though I don't agree. However I am entitled to mine too. Therefore if you don't think you should move your kid up then don't but if the rules allow it and I think my kid can play up then I should be able to without answering to someone that thinks it may scar my child. I can take the opposite of your analogy and say if you take an 8 year old and move him up and he is extremely successful you have a high probability that he will be confident from now on.  ;)

    Everyone is defintley entitled to an opinion and if you are in a league that allows that I have no problem with it. You are also correct that your child may be successfull if he moves up, but does the risk outweigh the reward? How many parents will move there Kid up even though they are not ready (Little Johnny got to move up why cant my son?)?Every league board has to make decisions based on the kids best interest, TCYB simply thought this was the best way to proceed for the time being.

  5. I dont understand why everyone thinks they are hurting there kids by keeping them in the age group they should be in. At this age the kids are still learning and expanding there skills, I have personally seen very few kids who are mature enough to move up. Just because you are stud player in eigth grade do you think the High School Coach would move a kid up? I don't, its all about maturity and I think you can scar a kid for life by moving them up to early. If you take an 8 year old and put him in kid pitch and he gets nailed by a wild pitch right out of the gate there is a high probalility he will have a much worse reaction then if he was a year older.

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