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Posts posted by bc2008

  1. Why can't people that are not involved leave this alone? The parents of the kid's supported their coach than why should it matter to anyone else if your child is not involved. If you have been around watching a lot of baseball over the last several years than you would notice that umpires are more worried about what people in the stands are saying about them or if a coach says the slightest thing that they don't like than you are gone. This year I have seen several coaches kicked out of games, heck I've even witnessed a kid's grandmother get kicked out. I seen a coach get kicked out of a game when the game was over, most of the time the umps leave the field when the game is over but these days they go around with antenna's on their heads.Competitive sports leads to a lot of adrenaline and competitiveness in a person and stuff happens. So why worry about it if you don't have kid's involved?

    Ummm...because they can worry about it if they want to. We can express opinions if we want to. I think the point is, how can you expect your kids to act with class if your own coach can't. Adults should lead by example. We had a coach that got thrown out of games on a regular basis. Before you knew it, the kids were throwing their helmets, talking back to the umpires and getting kicked out of games too. Not exactly how I wanted my son to act, so we stopped playing for this particular coach, and found one who didn't act silly. These kids aren't just learning how to play ball, they are also learning life lessons. One of those lessons should NOT be how to act like a fool.
  2. I understand that every school has their politics, as does every workplace. But can I say that as a BC native I've become embarassed by how negatively the outsiders view our programs? And that just might be their opinions, but there has to be some sort of foundation layed before forming that opinion. I would love to see BC become the outstanding program it once was without all the negativity associated with it. So I hope Chad Landry is exactly what we needed and he sounds like he will handle this task before him with class and fairness. Good luck, Landry!

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