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Posts posted by $

  1. TC has three current 5 year olds(mine being one of them) and  two that turned 6 in May. Way to go TC for such a YOUNG team! Who cares if these kids play when they are 10, 16, or 20. Like it was stated earlier, make the memories now! When my child is not having fun it's time to hang it up. The competitiveness of Pony Baseball is GREAT, and I think it teaches these kids a lot...that they DON'T always get what they want...a WIN. And my opinion is that IF my Child doesn't want to win, and doesn't care, then he has no business playing All Stars!...Which was not the case, he was very upset about the loss to Vidor, but it was a life lesson for him. 1 down 1 to go! Go TC Pinto All Stars!

  2. Ditto on earlier comment about Groves. Way to battle back and keep grinding throughout the tournament. Playing 6 games in 6 days must have been tiring, but fun, on kids, coaches, and fans. Great tournament. Congrats to TC on their win tonight. Good luck tommorow night against Vidor. By the way, umpires usually get talked about only when they make bad calls, but I felt they did an excellent job of not only getting into the right position to make the call, but making good calls too. Good game guys.

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