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Posts posted by TLU_DAWG

  1. Well hello. I'm back in action. Took a few weeks off to let my name clear. (lol) Where do I begin?

    I didn't even attend the last two games that Cleveland has had because of prior engagements, but my inside source said that both games the Tribe got punched in the face early and then it was OVER!!! All the Indians need is a reason! Those boys play for something more than a win. They love and care for their coaches and fellow team mates. I have seen this team grow in to a single unit. The defense is a masterpiece. 11 hats around the ball at all times. Tullos has done a great job in introducing a sense of urgency in that defense. My prediction is that the Indians comes out on fire! Coach Kellam has been waiting on this moment all year! I can already sense the anxiety and determination in his voice. Go out and make a believer out of all the doubters TRIBE!!!! Get that O-line ready Kellam!!!! ROLL TRIBE ROLL!!!!!!

  2. Regardless of who both teams will play in the playoffs, Coldsprings still has to play Cleveland. My Opinion is that Cleveland's defense will be to much for Coldsprings. I mean they flat out swarm to the ball. Out of all the games i have seen every tackle has been made by a gang of Indians. Can Coldsprings keep getting up after the abuse which is about to come forth? I'm going to say no. TRIBE ROLLS!!!!

  3. 24 over par? What kind of prediction is that? No justification what so ever. Please take your numbers else where. Anybody can get on here and throw out some numbers. Honestly I don't believe Coldsprings is that good. It will be a great game. I'm going to go out on a limb and say "Game of the Week" in 22-3A. Splendora is going to come alive and shock the world. The speed will be the down-fall for the wildcats.... But everything I say is merely an opinion.

  4. REF?? You wouldn't happen to be an alumni of Tarkington would you? Because the only way you would believe in the Longhorns is if you were from there. Tarkington will not be successful. Haven't been thus far. So, by some act of god they will "Turn on a Switch" and upset an undefeated 6-0 Cleveland Indian team. The defense has yet to give up 22 points in a single game let alone the entire season and you will make the bold statement the Tarkington will score "25". Please do not make these outrageous predictions from your heart or pride, make them by what you know not how you feel.

  5. Honestly I will give you the benefit of the doubt and some what agree with you. But with all that is in me, I can not see that happening. It will be a long bye week for the Wildcats if they were to lose this week. Only chance Splendora has to beat Cleveland is to beat Coldsprings. It just won't happen if they lose this one. Yah dig??

  6. It could be a number of scenarios. Who are we to judge the program? The coaches must want to win or they are in the wrong profession. Kids must love the sport or they are wasting their time. I played against the Panthers in high school so for me to compare the team that is now to the past would be pretty easy. The team now hasn't the size, speed, or swagger. I have never seen a Liberty team lay down such as they did last Friday night. The Liberty i knew fought to the end. But I am just another opinion. Can they scrape back some dignity by the end of the season, would be my question.

  7. OK are we done with the English lesson. I had no idea we were being graded on our literacy. Lets get something straight. Cleveland is on a role. The possibility of Splendora winning out is very slim. The end result is going to be Cleveland, Coldsprings, and then Huffman.

      Cleveland will win out. Coldsprings will lose to Cleveland. Huffman received a loss to both of those opponents and will win out. So that is merely my opinion but it is more than likely to happen.

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