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Posts posted by Rice

  1. I am a Cougar Baseball fan and always will be! But I will say that if Buna dont get their act together soon, time will run out on us. We are no way as good as the team we was this time last year. I see us usually wait until about the 4th or 5th inning to start playing. Our top of the line up has struggled most of the year and the bottom usually carries us. We get picked off on base, and make too many errors in the field. If Terrier dont fix the problem and fix it soon he will not have the oppurtunity to blow a State game like he did last year because we will never make it that far. I know alot of people will disagree and that is fine. We will make the playoffs without a doubt but I'm now concerned with what we will do once we make them. Something has got to change and change quick. Good luck Cougars and lets get it together.

  2. Trophygirl, I tell you what I do. I just set here and come to the conclusion that you still are a cry baby and you are a you no what...... to the coaches due to your statement they can count on me. If the truth is known about it, the coaches probably hate too see you coming and love too see you go. Always got to watch a pratice or try to politic with the coaches. I KNOW YOUR KIND!

  3. Brunno994, I know we watch the same game but Iwill have to disagree with your choice of hitter for the currnt team. Baxter has showed alot of inconsistent this year. My vote goes to Jacob Clark! who will put the ball in play and make something happen. I will also go on to say that I think Clark needs to be moved up in the order and Baxter moved down. But we know that will never happen because Clark is not one of the chosen few. Roll on COUGARS!!!!!!!!

  4. What most parents find that is not fair about some coaches is that they are found to have two (2) set of standards for kids on the teams. Some kids can do as they wish, say what they wont to say and break rules. If certain kids do the same they are punished for it. For an example at our school if your parent is on the school board you will have a free pass no mater what. The coach is got to protect his job.

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