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Posts posted by tinman

  1. [quote name="tvc184" post="1119235" timestamp="1321398314"]
    In 2000 in a 6-3 vote the US Supreme Court in Santa Fe (TX) Independent School District v. Jane Doe ruled that a policy "allowing" student led prayer over the PA system violates the Constitution.

    A student (or anyone else) can stand up in the audience and say a prayer and everyone can join or refuse at their own discretion. Students can pray on their own in class or at sporting events like taking a knee with the team after coming onto the field. Those are protected speech.

    Saying a prayer over the PA system however is unlawful per the 2000 ruling and is not considered private speech.

    I don't agree with it but the high court has ruled. When Vidor allows such, it appears that they are violating a court order. In as such, if someone sues Vidor, they will likely win and Vidor might be held in contempt of court for each occurrence.

    Until someone complains and files a legal action, pray away on over the loud speakers but they aren't on good legal footing if push comes to shove.

    Nederland basically has a prayer before the game without using God or Jesus Christ. It is something like, "We ask for guidance and wisdom, we ask for safety for participants and spectators ...." and so on. It just does not end with "...in Jesus name we pray...." or by invoking God.
    [/quote]The current make up of the court would probaly dissagree with the 2000 court.
  2. [quote name="Coach Comeaux" post="1119223" timestamp="1321397534"]
    [quote author=Coach Comeaux link=topic=91617.msg1119222#msg1119222 date=1321397348]
    [quote author=invictus link=topic=91617.msg1119094#msg1119094 date=1321390195]
    I don't agree.

    There is a separation of church and state, period.  Pray on your own all you want, but I shouldn't have to listen to it.

    The separation of church and state was only to keep the church from running the state.... as you express your freedom of right to speech we have to listen to it and no one bitches.... so why can you not afford us the same?

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The concept of the separation of church and state refers to the distance in the relationship between organized religion and the nation state. The term is an offshoot of the phrase, "wall of separation between church and state," as written in Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. The original text reads: "... I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church & State." Jefferson reflected his frequent speaking theme that the government is not to interfere with religion
  3. [quote name="invictus" post="1119094" timestamp="1321390195"]
    I don't agree.

    There is a separation of church and state, period.  Pray on your own all you want, but I shouldn't have to listen to it.
    [/quote]  Why do we have to tolerent of your wishes when you are in the minority?  Why do we have to deny our God because you don't believe?  This country was founded on prayer.  Seperation of Church and State only ment that a state cannot force a certain religion on someone as the church of England was doing at that time.  If you don't want to hear the prayer, just humm.  May God bless you.
  4. I've been around sports for many years and coached softball for 15.  One thing that I have learned is that some teams are loaded with talent and some have a little talent with all heart.  This years Vidor team is ALL Heart with a lot of talent.  I've seen them do things to much larger teams that they should not be able to do.  I will take heart any day.  Everyone keeps under estimating them and they just keep winning. 
  5. [quote name="The Godfather" post="688828" timestamp="1256761243"]
    I'm just curious as to why people from Vidor consider this a rivalry game. Because both teams have the same school colors maybe, I don't know... Would appreciate it if someone could point it out to me tough...
    [/quote]It goes way back, I graduated in 1972 and it was then as it is now.  There are those Nederland folks, not all, that think they are just better than Vidor folks. 
  6. [quote name="spoonbill" post="688769" timestamp="1256757063"]
    [quote author=TheRef link=topic=61263.msg688295#msg688295 date=1256698964]
    Good Luck to both teams in the mud pit, called several jr high games at nederland this year and my cleats kept sticking in the mud on the pivot! Nederlands field is in horrible shape and I see a low scoring game after it rains all night Thursday night and most of the day Friday!
    [/quote]i saw their field last night and it's already mushy and muddy. look for nederland's band to play some sort of fight song thru every vidor offensive play. i'm also sure they will mispronounce every vidor player's name when called.
    [/quote]Thats about the class they will show Vidor.  None.  You people need a real life.  I for one have a son over seas and in harms way.  It's people like him that makes it possible for you to shoot your mouth off.  Have you forgot so quickly.    
  7. [quote name="Geaux25" post="687436" timestamp="1256628771"]
    You people from Vidor keep saying "Nederland always gives us a good game" as if y'all are accustomed to beating Nederland on a yearly basis...

    ...anyone care to roll out the all-time record between the two?

    It should read "Vidor always gives Nederland a good game."
    [/quote]What is this YOU PEOPLE, there you go stereotyping. As if YOU PEOPLE from Nederland think your better than everybody else.
  8. [quote name="Ned11str8" post="685142" timestamp="1256408142"]
    Ned    38                   running the ball all night long is not going to work for Vidor

    Vidor   17
    [/quote]you have [b]GOT[/b] to be kidden'.  What are you smokin' over there across the river?  You eating to many doggie bones.  How many times does Vidor have to prove themselves before you understand that the Pirates football team is for real?  You better start getten' scared, REAL SCERRREEEED.  Lock your  doors, bar your windows, hide your women and children, Cause the Pirates are comming to town. 
  9. Come on, Lumberton fan.  why are you still heckling the Vidor fans?  You need to be in the Central/Lumberton thread heckling me!  ;D ;D

    I am there ...... but I keep reading comments from PIRATE 68 ..... you know the one that said GO to your own thread! LOL! Real CLASS ........ he needs to stay off the JUICE and he could remember!

    It never fails.  I remember a few years ago when Lumberton thought they were playoff bound.  Vidor beat them the last game of the year and knocked them out.  I remember the cheerleader coach trying to jump over a fence to attack one of our fans.  Even the chief of the local law enforcement was shoving an officer from Vidor who was trying to get the girl off the Vidor fan.  Sore looseres.  You betcha.  I do have many good and close friends in Lumberton and I would not put them all in that pile.
  10. Does anyone have any input/opinions on using weighted softballs to help increase arm strength and/or pitching speed?  I have not approached our pitching coach about it yet but was just curious if I should even do so?

    the weighted ball is a good tool, but never throw it over overhand, underhand only.  Should be used for warm up drills and not at full distance.
  11. I believe that negative coaching remarks actually have a negative impact for the external support for the team.  When I read a negative statement made towards the coaching  --it tends to turn me off of that team--not because of the team or coach--but because of the disgrunted fan. 

    This puts me in a moral dilema regarding supporting the girls who play the game.  Is this my fault or the fault of the posters.  If it is the latter --it is time the poster see's the damage they might be doing.


    well i thought this was an opinion fourm..  Can anyone say 1st admendment.  Right to free speach and such.  I believe there might be some case law out there when a free, tax paying, law abiding American citizen post something on an OPINION FORUM.  Well here is my opinion, we pay coaches to coach.  When we pay our hard earned tax dollars we are making an investment and we should expect a good return on the investmant.  A coach should coach and not demean a child or break school policy.  I"M DUN
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