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luck of the irish

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Posts posted by luck of the irish

  1. I don't not agree with the majority of people on this.  I think we have tried in the past to hire people that has no ties with LC-M but we have tried that and it does not work(Gamble,Rhodes,and Moody).  There where plenty of good coaches that applied with LC-M ties and personally think that is the best direction to go.  I also think that it would be a plus to have them with some kind of Head Coaching experience................

  2. I just looked at the poll that the school district took and to be honest with y'all i don't understand what the hiring committee is doing.  I know one app that had plenty of AD experience with alot success, was born and raised in LC-M (also his parents have paid school taxes to LC-M for over 40 years) and he didn't even get an interview.  I really don't understand that at all.  I'm okay with them not hiring him but to not even interview him is ridiculous.  I would put his coaching resume up against anyone that has applied.  I know everyone is excited for Bolton but he has never been a head coach and has only coached at LC-M what one year and he gets a interview?  Also this same guy coached at LC-M before..........

  3. I think that you need someone that can work with Griff for the baseball kids.  If you have seen any baseball games in the past few years there is some really talented kids playing baseball but they seam not to have an interest in football.  That's a problem in it's on right,  i think the baseball kids get bored with baseball all the time.  They need a break from baseball so, you need someone to work with Griff to get theses kids out for football.  I know Griff and he has no problem with this at all.  For all these reason's i think the best man for the job is going to be Coach Mike Sewart.  He and Griff has work together before and they are good friends.  I think they can work together to get this football problem turned around.  They both have LC-M roots and both care to get us back to where we need to be.  I know both of these men and we would be in great hands to fix the problems.

  4. I'm not making any excuses for Vidor..  I have no vested interest in any team just a fan of high school baseball.  Last week i went to the Vidor/PN-G game and Vidor played great.  Tonight their pitchers walked plenty and hit 3 or 4 batters.  They made at least 4 errors also.  I think Vidor had 3 hits.  To me they didn't looked like they did when they played PN-G.  They also walked in the second run in the first....

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