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HF #35 Anderson Dad

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Posts posted by HF #35 Anderson Dad

  1. Take BCs last years 7th grade team and add 2x stronger and alot faster....I know they will want to beat HF in football and basketball since both games came down too seconds ;)

    This summer at HF, the district has allowed a professional Strength & Conditioning coach to come in and run a camp at the school. Its not a "free" or school sponsored camp and the parents had to pay for the training.

    It started June 9 and will last until July 25....Monday - Thursday 2 hrs per day. The training sessions are pretty intense and the kids who are attending are defiantly benefiting!

    Watch out for the 8th horns!

  2. Let's Hear it!!

    Well.....Hamshire Fannett's 7th only lost one game last year (2nd game of season) and that was to WO-S. Those two schools ended up as Co-District champs.

    I can't speak for WO-S but I am pretty sure H-F will have the core group back next year.

    Just to add one more Jr. High note, H-F 7th grade won district in basketball and track. They should do nothing but get better in the years to come!

  3. Alrighty Now!!!

    First off, I am new to this site (joined last week) and I am surprised at some of the stuff people post on here. The one good thing is I have not seen an "individual" talk trash/attack another "individual", but more just talking about a team in general. I hope, if you are an "adult" on this site and not one of the kids, that we could refrain from talking negative about any individual. I didn't really see any of this on particular posting but in other categories on this site it get pretty heated!!

    Secondly, as you can tell from the user name, icon & if you watched any H-F 7th grade football this season, you will figure out that #35 is the running back, line backer & my son that everyone is referring too on this posting.

    I had NO idea that Andrew was being mentioned on setxsports until last week, and I was looking/reading about something totally different and then found the "jr. high sports" section and read a posting where he was mentioned, and I was totally surprised.

    As a parent I really appreciate the good comments that people have made about Andrew, and any of you that know him personally, knows that he works pretty hard to get to where he is at.

    Lastly, I am a tad bit partial, but H-F 7th grade now, which will be 8th grade next year, should do nothing but get better. The talk around H-F is that this "group/team" is one of the best that H-F has seen in a long while.

    This year they were "Co-District Champs" in football, "District Champs" in Basketball and they have a very good chance of winning district in track.

    They have a great group of athletes and I hope they can carry this winning tradition on for years to come!!

    Thanks to all & good luck!

  4. [glow=red,2,300]Also Andrew Anderson from H-F 7TH grade had a great meet![/glow]

    Hey Braves24.....Thanks for the comment on Andrew Anderson from H-F that is my son. He did have a good meet 2 weeks ago, but tonight he will have to step it up tonight in Kirbyville.

    Also, before the rain came last week in H-J, he won the long jump & triple jump again. I think he jumped 16'-7 on his long jump, which is a foot further than his first meet.

    I did not know this posting was on here. I have never been on this site before today!


    By the way......I would like to see H-F 7th grade win district this year!! I am a little partial!

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