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Posts posted by GGLB

  1. NHS83LU87 I so agree with both you and Silly.  From what I know about Babino he doesn't want his parents on this site and darn sure doesn't want recognistion for something he DID NOT earn or DOES NOT deserve, I think anyone who REALLY knows that boy can conqueor.  For myself I am with you on both of them should be on 1st team for their deserved postions.  We could go on all day long about this and it is ultimately up to the coaches so let up wait and see what happens. Again good luck to all of the boys and hopefully they know that you don't always get the award to know that you are a good ball player!!
  2. I agree that if the award is for a DH than a DH position player deserves the title!!  Now if you want to ask me if Babino deserves a spot on All District than I say yes!!  Everyone knows that he is one of the best catchers and hardest working atheletes if not the best in the area and deserves at the least a shot! Babino has earned a spot as an All District player and the fact that he doesn't bat in the games should not cause him that opportunity. I believe that the coaches know this and if he is passed for a shot at All District it would be a shame!  Best of luck to all of the boys they ALL work hard!!
  3. OMG this is so funny!!! Listen up peeps...perdictiions has it that the NDN's are going to scalp everyone now that Faircloth is in charge!!  Yup rumor has from some of the oldies that the Indians are going to relive thier glory days and win by L A N D S L I D E S.  Boy is my house going to be interseting with a house full of dogs and Indians!!  Good luck to all of the boys!  Ulltimately they will be the ones working hard for the wins!!  Ya'll keep up the tooting so we can sit around the computer and laugh...got to love the spirit!!!!

  4. Congrats Constantine...what an accomplishment for your boy to play in Europe.  That is an experience of a life time.  Baseball is not one of Europes best sports, depending the area, you should look into getting him on one of the European baseball teams for the next Olympics.  Some of the countries can't get quality players therefore if you are a descendant of a country you may be able to play.  Check it out it, it can be an amazing experience for him both educational as well as athletically.  Congrats to all of the boys nominated and not nominated all deserve acknowledgement!!

  5. I spoke to a friend of mine yesterday that knows Harper very well and said that the kid is a great kid, not full of himself, & level headed.  He has had the opportunity to been around Harper and several other #1 draft picks at his training facility and can honestly say the boy has tremendous talent and that if anyone can pull it off it would be Harper but he does not advocate any player to quit high school and expresses this strongly to all of the students.  I wish the best for the kid and hope that his parents have not compromised him by letting him take anything or by guiding him into quitting high school.  If it doesn't work out not only do his baseball dreams go down the tubes but his last two years of high school memories do to. 

  6. Here we go again talking about the past glory days...blah blah blah!  I don't give a darn what happened in 99!  Nederland has proven themselves so far and so has Brenham!  Give TODAYS boys the respect they deserve let's not cloud their time by talking about 1999!!  Now if someone would like to post some stats between the two current teams that would be great.  No cockiness please!! good lick to both teams!!

  7. Sport8336 please stop while you think your ahead.  NO ONE has the right to act like a DONKEY!!  As much as I did not like Fitz's interview, I do think he has the right to be pumped, as he was when he made his home run. Great hit!!  Fitz's also redeemed himself when, trust me when I say, the one Dag that is an unforgiving Dag, said Fitz was pretty cool, couldn't say the same for some of the rest.   Never the less, we should all expect some gestures, cockiness, competitiveness, whatever you may call it but what we should NEVER tolerate is the immature and unsportsmanship like conduct that I saw from some of the Friendswood players and fans. For example: the man with the sign " 3rd Class", you can bet in order, our team, our parents, the Coaches and our school would NEVER allow such disrespect to be displayed at any event and how about the batter that struck out at the plate...purposely ran into Ned's catcher & the batter that walked to first, that FLUNG the bat trying to hit our catcher.  You guys must really be intimidated by a 5'9, 145lb kid...but then again you may have heard that big things come in small packages!!!!  Ponder on this one for bit...I left the game with great pride not only for our boys but also for the Friendswoods team because at the end of the day it was and is the BOYS out there playing and all the BS aside they both played a great game and deserve at the minimum a high five from both sides no matter who wins.

  8. My my must have hit a nerve Stang.  Respect is earned not given and all good things must end.  That is Murphy's Law!  Being boastful is a SURE way of getting put in your place, may not be today and then again it may!  ALL GLASS HOUSES BREAK!!  Sure both sides would like to win and both teams have the ability to do so, BUT the one thing the DAWG's have that Friendswood doesn't have is COMMON SENCE!!  Friendswood seems to think they have a  sure win, just because of past history, sounds a little relaxed to me...all the while the DAWG's, are are not ASSUMING a thing!!  Robbins, his staff and the team know exactly what is in stake and are taking NOTHING for granted.  Lot of baseball still to play & doesn't matter what the outcome, sounds like the DAWG's are already winners!!!  My hats of to the DAWG's!!  

  9. Friendswood Fan, obviously your mother didn't teach you about KARMA!!!!!  Who taught the catcher to do interviews?  Sounds like Friendswood has a T.O on their hands!!!  The Dawgs have earned every win with hard work, dedication, pride & humility, they take NOTHING for granted!!! Robbins & his staff wouldn't have it any other way.  Congrats to the Dawgs thus far!!!! 

  10. Excuse the high standards and well, Prozac, LOL, is I guess  "OK" but like you said practice has only begun let us all wait until the games begin and hopefully Nederland will have a better than "OK" year.  Ruffling feathers was not my intention, a simple dig deep and be better than average, get out there and give them your all is all I meant, but I agree let the "boys" have fun!! This will be an interesting year and would love to continue on with this but my "prosac" is awaiting, let us pick this post in about a month.     

  11. Excuse me boys, I see that I have upset all of you and if you read my post, I say nothing negative.  I simply stated that it is not "OK" to do anything mediocre.  Don't you just hate it when you get to the playoffs and darn it you played an "OK" game and PNG wins district. Yes, I do know the boys and NO I have no hidden agenda.  IF I did have someone playing for Nederland, he/she would not just do "OK" academically or athletically.  A great coach once said "NO ONE REMEMBERS SECOND PLACE!"

    As for football, I would hate to think that any athletic director, coach, or school would allow an athlete that has signed a letter of intent to commit to a University, get into trouble and sweep under the rug or just say "well that is OK". 

    Congrats to Pitts and Vidrine for not only finding the time to make National Honor Society and but to also excel in Baseball.  These boys are doing more for themselves than "OK".

    Bet your BVD's on this, I  WANT Nederland to win and win big for the simple fact that they do have the talent and MUST with out a doubt allow NOTHING to get in their way, including themselves.

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