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Posts posted by baseballdream

  1. I think Barbers Hill has a few srs. worth looking at
            1.  Tyler Layday 1st base Good Glove/Bat
            2.  Daniel Mitchell Pitcher/3rd base  Good pitcher
            3.  Blaine Mcdonald Pitcher /3rd Base  Good pitcher/strong arm
            4.  Brian Meyer  1st base Good Glove/ Good Bat
            5.  Michael Bound Good Pitcher/ Short Stop when Healthy.

    Don't know averages or stats just know they are talented Kids.

    I don't think any of these have signed but could be a help to some team.
  2. It's the new Year and I don't see much activity on the board about everybodys teams. I don't know how good Barbers Hill will be this year with losing so many starters. I do know there are alot of talented players in Barbers Hill ISD. Who are your picks for 19-4a and why and who are your picks to lead the Golden Triangle and why. Lets get some chat going about your teams.
  3. Barbers Hill looked better this year than last years scrimmage at Cleveland. The Defense did a better job on runs to the outside corners, no long runs down the side lines. Clevelands Offensive runs looked good and will be problems for whoever they play,lot of talent in the backfield.Cleveland Quarterback looked good running and passing. Barbers Hill Quarterbacks needs more games under their belt. One of the Quarterbacks looked good in the backfield throwing the ball but needs to follow Thur with his arm to get passes down.

  4. Its good to see Football again. Some people need to realize that these are scrimmages. Coaches and the kids are working hard to find the right pieces to the puzzle. New kids at new spots can make a Defense or Offense look real good or real bad. One missed assignment  can make a defensive kid look great and a missed coverage can make an offense look great. The scrimmage Cleveland/ Barbers Hill looked just like it was their first Dance which it was.

    I saw some good plays and mistakes on both sides. I know on the Eagles side there were new kids trying out in (NEW) spots so there will be mistakes on both sides of the ball.

      Good Luck to all Teams and work hard, HAVE FUN

  5. Watched practice the other day and have to say the young looked good.

    I think they will surprise a lot of teams that look at last years record. There are a lot of kids on this team that are getting no publicity but are well deserving. Some of this could be my fault for not posting their names,stats,40time,tackles,carries, catches but just cant find the time. Here are a few names I know are key players.

       Kade Mcdonald

       Mathew Viverette

       Brian Meyer

       Carter Smith

       Kade Bradford

       Randle Adlong

       Caleb Stork

       ?      Hooper


       ? Payne

    I know its bad that I don't know all of the Kids Name so please feel free to fill in more names of Eagles that you think will contribe to the Eagles this year.    

         Go Eagles and Good Luck

  6. there are a few returning players Carter Smith WR, Brian Meyer OT, Mattew Viverette ,Cade Mcdonald QB, Bradford RB,Hopper DB,Payne DL,AZEE DL,Bellard OLB, plus two or three other known starters that I can't think of there names right now. They will still need lots of help but they will be middle of the pack team.  I know for a fact the kids work hard during school and off season. There are a lot of good kids that have for some reason decided not to play football at the Hill. We need to get the boys excited about playing and being involved in football. I doubt very seriously any freshmen is starting at QB for Barbers Hill But you never say never.

  7. Not talking about one specific game of not hitting. There are not alot of solid hit balls during the games. You can have basehits with weak hit balls and then you can make an out with hard hit balls. It just doesn't seem like we are getting the hard hit base hits or outs. the more hard hit baseballs will eventually mean more runs due to hits or forced errors.

  8. I thought the Barber Hill Team would be knocking the cover off the ball this year. Almost all of the team is returning Varsity, but they are hitting the same as last year lousy.They will not win the district if they don't find some bats and surely won't go for in the playoffs hitting like this.They are 3-1 but could be 1-3 just as easy.

  9. I think the line up is pretty easy already


              1st Rocha/ Peterson    rotating pitching

              2nd Cody Clifton

              3rd  Jared Baker

              ss  Carmona

              C    Ponder

              OF  Padgett

              OF  Hensey

              OF  Burditt

              DH  Meyer/Lyday

              3rd Blaine

              2nd ?

              OF  ?

    This is just my opinion but I know all these kids can hit,There are a few spots for backup middle infield and outfield, but other than that this is a solid TEAM.

  10. Barbers Hill should have a lot of new faces step up this year and for the next few years. The JV them only lost one game last year and one tie. There are a lot of good athletes just waiting for thier chance to play Varsity Ball in Barbers Hill. I'am not saying they will be great for a few years but they will be on or near the top each year in this District.

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