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Posts posted by bosshog

  1. Coming from 3A last season has nothing to do with it. Newton has been 3A and we still play schools bigger than us. You either have or you don't Kirbyville better bring it because we know Newton is going to.

    There have been alot of Newton citizens that are employed at the GEO Group doubting the eagles. Me personally, I think Kirbyville will run circles around Newton next year. Therefore, Newton better bring it because Jack will have the Cats prepared trust me. Carthage thought the same thing last year, but the heart was there and will be next year.

    Thats why those citizens work at the prison and not coach's!!! Newton fans are saying that because they are not sure who we have coming up from JV because these certain fans do not watch the JV games on thursday like the real fans do. Noone will come into Newton and run circles around us and that is a fact just ask any team that has been there that would never happen.

    Let me be the first to tell you about Newton JV from last year...  They were just as good as the Var....  Only lost 1 game.... Now tell me what you think about that....  Newton will win it all.... I am looking at 16 and 0 State Champ.... Sorry ladywildcats dont see yall winning a D.C. this year...

  2. Newton gets  them everytime!!!!!!!! Newton has run the same offense and defense forever and it is still very effective.

    CORRECTION: Newton lost to kville in a scrimmage a couple of years ago...kville still has so many great players that newton wont know wat to do.. im feeling another suprise win like the jaspervskville game back in 04-05  (42-20) {i will never forget this score}

    cats can prove everyone wrong.. good luck cats


    I dont know what yeare you are talking about, but I do know that last year scrimmage both the jv and varsity beat k-vill like a 1A school. And Newton was not in shap.... So K-ville get you popcorn ready

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