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Posts posted by Justme

  1. This is for SFA 85. Not sure what year but i went as i was in middle school to an SFA playoff game in either the quarterfinals or semis and watched yall play Cuero and their sphmore phenom Robert Strait. It was a good game till the end of the third quarter when i saw strait enter between the tackles and meet Kevin henry who was by no mean no slouch. About 250 260 and 6 ft 2 if i remember right. Strait hit him and in the same motion just kept on running. It was all down hill after that. But that was still a good season. Just an awesome run.
  2. seems as thoug you have not done your research. Vidor graduated almost all of their o line and quicker in vidor doesnt mean quick just means fast than what they had and that is still not very fast.I dont thinnk vidor has a prayer.




    Vidor May not win a district game in my opinion
  3. SFA 85 you seem so angry for a person who voluntarily moved here from PA. How bout what they did to our old district. By the way i dont care that they named the stadium after thomas because of the things he did. I think it was the wrong moved because people are devided about it and the community, who is paying for this, has no say. If they would have voted this that would be great. Beaumont still ahs yet to really come together and until they do the success here will always be limited.

    PS I know some west enders to and they dont all whine i think we are generalizing.
  4. Remember a chief is only as good as the indians around him. With that said im not commenting on Carrol Thomas but on the teachers of beaumont, and i think they are doing a great job with what they have. The citizens are to be commended for passing the bond to improve the schools and if you are mad about something do something productive to make a difference not just complain on a website.
  5. It might be a little unfair but i know this, the people that i have heard defend tiger 90% i know for a fact are unfaithful. What are you telling your child by doing this. but i think this is the way the world is going. Sex means nothing anymore and monogamy is taboo to alot of people, but in my household i want to lead a life my children can be proud of and that wouldnt be it.
  6. Tiger Woods = Awesome player    Yes i agree. But im a dad, Husband, and I know when I took my vows i took them seriously and when i decided to become a parent i took that seriously and to be honest your actions speak louder than your words i to see what he did tells me he did not take that seriously.

    Honestly those that want to just overlook all of this must have some of those same skeletons. Yes im judging him but only on what i want my shildren to see or not see and trust me i will never let my children be a part of something so disrespectful and I pray for Tiger and his children and Wife.
  7. I could completely care less. Just another superstar who wants to blaim the stresses of being who they are for the problems that they cant handle. He brought this on his self i think his wife should have beat him harder maybe he wouldnt have been able to return at all. I love to hear how hard it is to be a professional or a star "suck it up, or get out you cry babies"
  8. The Francis Kid from Ozen out tackled all linebackers in the area. Heard from coaches in the area and no one had 191 tackles but ricky francis. MLB

    The harmon kid also had over 110 at Will.

    The beard linebacker from Lumberton was great too and hale from central.

    New comer of the year has to be Leroy Jackosn from ozen too. He was a true freshman starting at running back and racked up quite a few yards.

    And Jacoby anderson at Receiver.
  9. These awards would be nice but I know isadore could care less as his TCU horned frogs are ramked number 8 in the nation. Ricky will be the same playing somewhere and performing at that same level. His stats speak for themselves 152 tackles with 2 games remaining not to mention countless sacks and caused fumbles and a couple of touchdowns on offense. He has even recovered a couple i believe.
  10. Ill have my coffee with three sugars and a splash of milk please. Have the family dog run and get the paper and sit back on my porch saturday morning cause it will be a beautiful cool morning and relish in the glow of success as i read the the front sports page about the preceived upset that happened on friday.

    Im not big on predictions usually but ozen keeps hanging in there when a lot of things havent gone their way and i see that mojo continuing.

    Good luck to both though.

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