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Posts posted by cards13

  1. Exactly what BIG teams did the BC 7th graders beat this year? What was their record? I hope your 7th graders can do as well as the 8th graders. They were undefeated for 2 years from what I hear. They have some power houses in that 8th grade group. Big shoes to fill.

    Nederland has a strong athletic program and always does, year after year. C.O. is always good. No doubt about it. C.O. all the way.

    They went 5 and 4 in district.K let me see lets start with every game they lost was at least by 2 or 3 td"s.And let me add this have you ever watched bridge citys 7th this year?Well lets talk about other teams sizes that they lost against,HAMSHIRE FANNET they had a running back that was bigger than any bridge city player and they had a pertty big linebacker core,WEST ORANGE-STARK they just beat bridge city in size all around,had a running back that was 6"2 and linemen were over rated.K-VILLE was a good offense and a solid defense cant beat that mixture.

  2. Under Stump Bridge City will get better every year, still got a long ways to go but it will happen. I think you guys will win 4 next season and then 8 in 09. BC has some great classes coming up.


    Yes stump knows what he his doing they have realey talented kids so thets a realey good mixture,thier is no ? about thier offense they are commpleted if braux can handle the ball right.but in 2010 they are going to dominate thier dist. with joe robertson,josh lemonie,zach hinze those were all sophmores starting on varsity this year and they were the leaders of this team so when they are seinors they will dominate.

  3. C.O. Wilson for sure.  8th grade was undefeated this year and the group behind them will do the same.  Don't count out CMS, Nederland has some great athletes.

    As far as BC, this group is not that strong.  The group ahead of them are very strong.

    I wouldn't be underdawging these young cards in thier athletics program they are bustin thier buts every day in athletics.And wile other schools are sitting on thier tails doing nothing they are getting a stronger program.Trust me those 8th grade coches know how to turn a football team around.And man what are you talking about you have to be a power house to beat all the teams they beat,they were the smallest team in thier district,every other team had size advantage against them thats saying something.

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