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Posts posted by lloyd_christmas

  1. I have seen both of the kids play and tremain is the better BASKETBALL player. Marsh may be as good of or a better athlete but that does not mean he has a better shot, ball handling skills, or court vision. Larry Bird was one of the best players of all time and he was also one of the least athletic. A great athlete does not always make a great basketball player.

    I am not arguing that Marsh should not be on the gamble team because his numbers are impressive. I am simply saying Tremain should be on there first

  2. a little advise to you coach griff....quit putting your boys in 3a tournys and beating up on small schools just to get your confidence up and maybe they would be able to play good ball when they get to the 4A district games.....food for thought.....and either way LC-M has no chance to beat PN-G even on their best day

    I don't think griff needs advice...lcm has won the past 3 district championships, so i think they do alright in 4A district games

  3. can you tell me some of the things the Hecklers said to the players??? after the game the Hecklers went and shook the hands of the LCM players because we respected the game they gave us

    baller01 they said usual stuff that student sections say to refs, they hollered about calls and when lcm players made mistakes they let them know about... but the argument i was making was not that the hj fans were out of line, my argument is that lcm fans were thrown out for more minor things than hj fans were saying... i think it is great that the hawk hecklers "heckle" the refs and opposing teams, it is part of high school basketball... i just wish the bear caze crazies were allowed to be a little more "crazy"

  4. lcm would be tougher if their vice principals would actually let them say stuff... against Jasper one student was thrown out for saying "your terrible" to a ref and another was thrown out for saying "atta boy" to a Jasper player both students were supsended from home games for two weeks... when the student section starts the "nuts and bolts" cheer the assistant principal will pick one student at random to throw out... it is absolutly ridiculous... despite this they can still bring the noise

  5. all this fight crap doesn't really matter.  from what i hear, the cops are going to take care of that.  what's important is what happened on the court, which was another HJ win, and against a very good LCM team at that. 

    well said bullet13, all these idiots getting on here talking about a bunch of other idiots doing stupid crap is overshadowing a GREAT basketball game by both teams

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