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Posts posted by jfriezy98

  1. Wow... bout right... guys like you make PN-G look bad.  I guess Crouch should have just said PN-G is 3-0 and the most dominant 4A team in the area.  I really hope our kids get on the bus early so we can get there in time to check out the "120 yard" field PN-G has installed over there. 

    I think he meant "little" as in the fact that they have been effective just not overly productive (averaging just 20 points per game).  Also, last I checked there is only a 100 yard surface as to which the ball can be spotted and/or a play run from.

    One more thing... what does "re-frame" mean?  Is that a construction term?  By context alone I can assume you meant refrain which means to keep oneself from doing...

    Maybe you should "refrain" from posting.  Just a suggestion...

    :D :D :D

  2. I love how PNG fans can get all rilled up.  Its like they dont want it to be a competition, and the mear thought of LCM even being able to compete on the same field as the mighty indians is laughable.  Give me a break!  The good thing about it is, it will be settled on the field by the players.  Both teams have had early success, no matter who the competition was. You cant determine the outcome of a competition based on previous opponents.  Both teams are better this year, and the fact that both teams will compete in the district on a weekly basis should be appreciated.  Lets just see what happens, it should be great

  3. The word is out, LCM will not sneak up on anyone.

    Was the PNG victory over Barbers Hill more impressive than LCM's over Cleveland? How would cleveland and Barbers Hill match up?

    Barbers Hill scrimmaged Cleveland.  Cleveland scored 6 touchdowns, barbers hill 0.  Cleveland was previously on a 19 game winning streak before they played the Bears.  Im not one for predictions, but at the very least PNG has to respect what the Bears did Friday night on Clevelands homecoming. Cleveland has some D-1 studs playing for them this year #88,#26,#58.  LCM may not have those type of athletes, but they beleive they can beat anyone and are learning how to win at a  steady clip.

  4. I like it 7!  I also like it that PNG is getting all the hype.  It will make it that much sweeter when Fairclothe is crying on the sideline when district play starts.  PNG fans always seem to be overconfident, why is that?  I know you guys have pride and tradition, but one man (Fairclothe) cant turn a program into a champion out of the cellar.  Yall might be a better team, but #1?  Earn it on the field and you will have my respect.  Who votes on these polls?  Someone said that it was people who knew a lot about football, so who are they?  But like I said, keep feeding them the bull.  That makes it better for the rest  of the district.

  5. PNG has not done anything to deserve the highest ranking in this district.  These so called rankings are bogus.  The PNG fan base is eating this up. Like they need any pats on the back.  Its ok, the rest of the district will enjoy reeming the Indians this year.  Thats why they play the games my friend, you cant get any real respect until you perform on the field. To me Lumberton is the favorite because they have consitently proven over the last several years that they are capable of winning the championship.  Creuder has been successful there.  Fairclothe has merely shown up, get real people.

  6. I think he will still spread it out.  As long as the timing is good with the players, the spread can be run efficiently.  They will have a good running quarterback as well.  LCM has some skill players coming back that played a lot last year.  I think they lost most of thier lineman though.  Whatever he does, he will get the most out of the kids. There is more than one way to skin a cat. 

  7. Good post slam!  I totally agree with what you say about the LCM community.  There is a certain amount of "pull" the community should have, and there are things that need to be left alone for the head coach to handle.  Coach Crouch will have to deal with these so called "supporters".  True fans and supporters let the coaches do thier job, and are patient enough to understand that this will take time and the kids will have to earn every bit of it.  The difference you should see is that Crouch will earn the respect and loyalty from the players, coaches, and the school district.  That is something that Moody was never able to accomplish for what ever reason.  Crouch will stay true to what he believes in and the community should respect that and back him 100%.  Bear fans, lets rally behind this guy.  The kids need our support more than the coach does.  Lets show the kids that we believe the district hired the right guy and lets move forward in a positive direction.  The support we give to him will reflect on the kids attitude and work ethic.  We have to be accountable for what we preach to the kids at home.

  8. There are several coaches leaving, but a few are interested in staying. I dont think there were that many varsity coaches to begin with. Moody made the coaches coach both sides of the ball, so that cut down on varsity coaches on staff. The subvarsity coaches last year were mostly first year coaches, so the varsity coaches helped with lower levels a lot.  Crouch will definately have to hire some guys. Im sure he will bring in some quality guys.  This is a huge deal, because Moody had trouble keeping coaches around. How will Crouch keep a solid staff together?  We will see...

  9. Fair enough...I hope you are right about that.  The program is at the bottom right now, and all Im saying is that he will have to build it up from the bottom up.  This will not be a quick fix!  However, I do think that he wants whats best for LCM.  He is very smart, and will have respect from coaches and the community.  I wish him luck, and I want him to succeed for the kids sake.  I know he will make a drastic improvement on what we have been seeing the past few years.

  10. Im sure he will do a good job. If anything, he will bring in solid coaches that will motivate the kids.  He has been very successful with great athletes.  Lets see how he manages with kids that will have to work for everything to be successful.  Lets all get behind this guy and support his leadership of these young men.  He deserves a fair shake. Lets give him all the opportunity to put a plan into place that will succeed for this school district.

  11. I played under Bolton at LCM back in the mid 90's.  Bolton has only been at LCM for one year since returning, and I can tell you that he is not a Moody guy at all.  He was loyal to him, but Bolton has his own philosophies about football and motivating kids.  Bolton was hired at LCM to expand the offensive attack, but that never happened because Moody would not allow coaches to have impact on game plans.  From what I understand, Moody was a control freak and would not let his coaches coach.  Bolton will take nothing from what Moody tried to do at LCM, and he will be able to motivate kids because he truly does care about kids being successful.  Kids respond to things he says, and therefore LCM would be much more competetive because they believe in their leader.  Just one guys opinion...

  12. I played under Jeff Harrell in the mid 90's (including the 97 run to the quarterfinals) and I can vouch for his effectiveness as a coach/leader/motivator.  He was a tremendous fundamentals guy (exactly what LCM NEEDS).  Also, he has head coach experience and has been a part of an extremely successful program at Texarkana.  Harrell has ties to LCM also, and knows the community well.  Harrell will be tough on kids and demand their best effort, and most importantly, kids will want to win for him.  He will also be a positive influence on the rest of the athletic programs and be visible in the community.  He is the best candidate for LC-M because he is tough and resilient enough to win here, even though he will be tested extensively.  Whoever gets the job will have a lot of building to do in a short amount of time.  While the comm. will be supportive of Harrell, he will not succumb to ridicule he may receive and he will not cower down to anyone.  All while displaying lots of class.  He is primed for this position and will win at LCM!

  13. Everyone has thier opinion about what the problem is at LCM.  As soon as the kids figure out the kind of effort and enthusiasm it will take to win, LCM will be just fine.  The program has really suffored over the past year and a half.  From almost getting into the playoffs, to going to rock bottom last year.  The talent there is young, but if the kids will forget all the outside distractions and negativity and put the work in and listen to the coaches, they will start to improve.  The kids need to realize that they can decide how good they want to be, and strive for that goal.  Kids as a whole today want everything given to them without working for it.  I think the overall mentality of kids at LCM needs to change to be more tough minded.  I played at LCM when we were in the playoffs 3 out of 4 years, and the possibility is there to repeat that.  Moody is only part of it, and I think that he is doing the best that he can.  Its just just going to take a group of kids that just decide that they want to be better than they ever have been, and dedicate themselves to that.  Just my opinion...

  14. I think that today is a different day.  The head guy and the university will have to use marketing strategies in multiple ways in order to draw fans on Saturday's.  I think it can be done, and the program can be successful as long as the program is put out there and there is a head coach in place that will put his face out there.  There needs to be recruiting done in this area, and I think that will help.  If fans know the athletes on the field and can follow thier career, there will be more overall interest.  Also, the players will have something more to play for if they are from this area and have pride in that.  There will be growing pains, but I think Lamar can recruit solid athletes, if there is a commited coach that believes in the university. 

  15. Lets hope that whoever is brought in knows what a huge task this is to restore this program.  And lets also hope that the community will support this coach and the program.  For an area so rich in talent, it needs to be recruited by Lamar.  In my opinion, the head coach needs to be a veteran college head coach that will demand certain things from the university and the athletes, that he knows are vital to the success of the program.  No politician or pushover.  This man needs a demanding personality, and I think that will trickle down and draw support and interest in the community.  Just my opinion...

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