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Posts posted by CSI-Texas

  1. #9 is Nick Narcisse.  He was diagnosed with a rare throat cancer 7 months ago.  He has been going through chemo and radiation treatments which has dropped him from 215lbs to 180.  On August 10 he was diagnosed as cancer free.  The West Brook game was his first game to play this year.  
  2. How was the RB from Woodlands?

    Compared to what he's used to 147rushing and 1 td. he had 240 or 260 against katy. Our defense beat on him all night.  Without a dout he knows who earl hines and titan defense is. he was real frustrated all night.

    Hines is a monster.  A fast one at that.  Even though Lasco was out with the flu Wed. and Thur.  Not 100% Fri. but even if he was I do not think Memorial would have given up any more than what they did, they played a solid game.  This Memorial team is better coached and disciplined than last years team.  You should do well in district. 

  3. Memorial would have been closer and could beat North Shore if they play Stedman at QB. Everyone in the stands knows it and a couple of players I am close to knows it. They would be so mch better offensively its scary. They have athletes all over the field. Stedman has a better arm and does not take off and run when he sees one reciever not open.

    It doesn't matter who plays QB.  As long as Xbox is the head man, PAM will continue to lose to lesser talented but more discipline 5A programs.  I'll ask the following to prove my point:  On those 2 safeties, was PAM in the Shotgun inside their own 10 yardline?  If so, this is a perfect example of boneheaded playcalling on PAM's part and I don't care who's calling the plays, Football 101 says you shouldn't be in a spread formation inside your own 10.......

    1st safety he was in the gun and QB slipped and fell trying to get out of pressure.  Second safety they were in the power I on the 2 and ran the lead to the right.

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