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Posts posted by pirate4life

  1. Just left the game... The score does not EVEN BEGIN to describe the beatdown we were taking when I left... WOS is totally dominating the game. They look very sharp. I am very frustrated by the spread. We have a big rb who barely touches the ball.  Our D really held its own.  The big play is what is killing us.  Our offense was horrible. If not for one blown coverage by wos we would not even be on the scoreboard.  Oh well, maybe wos is just THAT GOOD.

    Remember Vidor played them to a 14 - 14 Tie last week!

    vidor will kill nederland.. they are actually good this year.

    Get over it... it was a scrimmage.  WOS would destroy vidor in the real world.  I can't wait for district.  By no means do I believe Nederland will dominate. But we will beat vidor solidly

  2. vidor pirate 40 is right, it is not coach mathews fault that we lost its not his fault the our line men miss blocks its not his fault that our running backs fumble..and its not his fault that our receivers drop passes its all on the team...do you really think that our coaches coach us to do those things? if you do then your terribly wrong...i also dont know if they will bring coach mathews back but i hope they do because there is no other football coach that i would rather play for than him. like i said before i will fight for him til i cant fight anymore and i will defend him like he was my own dad...im sick of losing just like the rest vidor but if your going to yell at anyone from the stands or dog someone on this message board, yell at the team not coach mathews not coach esku or any other coaches...its not their fault

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