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Posts posted by footballplayer

  1. it should be good rivalry for them and WH it was a close high scoring game for them 8th graders that HD QB was pretty good then that WH RB was unstopable so it should be fun to watch as they grow older whats HD's class of 2013 look like?? WH got that Ridge kid who is good at Basketball and has an arm in football from what i hear
  2. This is a great match for henery and the oilers..henery is an offinceive guy which is what the oilers need..they got a young QB in Calvin Ridge I belive or Justin Harrington or Ashton Moss could go either way depends on what henery wants Ridge is the most balenced but Harrington has some snaps under center then Moss is the best running QB.

    on the 'D' they got kids coming back but they are losing their leader who was always on them in practice pumping them up in the game in Cody Letsinger and Garrett Melincon so they need a leader to step up thats they only thing they lack and they have a lot of kids who i question their heart but if henery can change that they will be just fine...good luck oilers
  3. THe reason they bought out his contract is because what has he done? ppl keep saying he turned WH around but did you forget coach Terry Pool who came in and got them out of A 10yr or more playoff drought. pool took the oilers tothe playoffs 3yrs in a row then left cause the administration then westfall was lucky enough to have athletes and the staff pool had to keep them going. now that all of pool's staff is gone look what happend. But the man is a great guy from what i hear kids love him but i give credit to Pool. Hopfully they get a whole new staff. But best of luck to WH and Westfall.
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