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Posts posted by patsfan1

  1. If a coach doesnt win a game he/she ultimately is fired for poor student performance during his/her season. When was the last time a teacher was let go due to poor student performance.
    Also, a coach can't teach in the state of Texas unless they have a vaild teaching certificate. Universities have a few coaching classes but the majority of their coursework consists of teaching, instruction, and learning state curriculum. Kinesiology is a teaching field that consist of anatomy courses that rival the T.V. show House. While this opinion guy is watching House, there are coaches at practice attempting to motivate young student athletes to a higher level they alone cannot achieve themselves.
    Finally, check the state test scores in Social Studies vs. any other subject and see who has the higher score. Last time I checked the highest score wins and you dont have to be a coach to understand that.
  2. Athletics should be the least of this STUDENT athlete's worries. If a student gets in trouble with the law, that student is suspended from school, and placed in an alternative campus. If a student is placed at an alternative campus, they cannot participate in sports. If they found out last night, to err on the side of caution, they should not have played the athlete.

    If we really care about this student, we should educate him first, send him to drug rehab/prevention class, and monitor the health and well being of this student. He is 17/18 and when he graduates he should be a productive citizen, not just a student who plays basketball. BISD's help would go a long way to maybe reduce this students criminal punishment and maybe preserve his scholarship at the next level.

    We are talking about forfeit of basketball games, when this child is forfeiting his future. Weed is a powerful drug that is killing our urban youth, it time to educate and drug test and keep it real.

    Kids don't take steroids, they use drugs and we need to reach out and help out youth.

  3. how much of that 250 + was on the second and third team defense. I would say about 100 yards and two touchdowns. The 10 points we did spot da jags was on 45 yards of penalties. Jag fans just continue to support and lift up your team and head coach more not just when they are winning. Soulja I respect you for being a true jaguar fan at all times. I nominate you as pres of the Jag fan base.

  4. couple of things that stand out to me.

    1. Central 's Fans, supporters, and teams need to stop throwing gas on the fire every time they play the brook. Way too much trash talking and no results, just trash.

    2. If you are down 40 to 10 with the second team in and they are trying to run the clock out don't call timeout.

    3. If you do call timeout, at least get out if that junk offense and go to something else. 3 OC's in three years means you can run something else.

    To my friend Soulja, you never told me where you were sitting. I was wrong about your jags, yall did make it though halftime, but I know that you were in your car at the end of the 3rd quarter.

    Save that Undertaker bell for Vidor or somebody. So like you jags always say, wait until next year, or wait until basketball season. Memories fade so take a picture of the trophy it might just last longer.

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