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Posts posted by texashighschoolking

  1. 1956 was the last time and this year takington is going to go 0-10 cleveland showed up and beat coldsprings now the redheaded step child of the district is going to lose there final game. no disrespect to mr brooks as he is one of the good qbs in the district but he will have to throw on the run alot and clevelands defense will shut down the run... cleveland on top by 4 touchdowns.

  2. this is the best matched game of the year the outcome will be the team that wants it more. liberty has always been a playoff caliber team yet for the past few years shepherd has brought up the rear in fourth place. liberty has mr white yes i will comend them for wat they put in the water yet we have some homegrown athletes and the kids here want it more. shepherd on top 38-14

  3. cleveland should beat tarkington but there is no way they are going to beat coldsprings they are just to fast and explosive for them...as for shepherd there is going to be nothing but work if they want to make it into the playoffs this is a must win for shepherd against the 3-0 wildcats. its a must win situation or there playoff dreams are done

  4. yes i will give credit to splendora to where its due they do have great line men on there O LINE and thats it... there d1 prospect can only take a team so far splendora lacks greatly in speed yet shepherd has over 8 defensive starters that run in the 4's and shepherds offense has dominated the 50 defense all year...the real question is whether the shepherd defensive line can stop splendora's massive whales

  5. ive seen cleveland play and those liberty panthers were not ready and cleveland took advantage and put together a win. both teams are playoff hungry but the taste from last seasons last minute chance for the pirates still lingers... the pirates are hungry to be 2-1 and cleveland is going to roll up with a big win on there shoulders and wont be ready for anything but disappointment... shepherd is going to stick it to em

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