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Posts posted by StoneCold

  1. OK...I slept outside with all my Bruin clothes so that I'd be ready for the game.  The light rain was nice and kept me from sweating.  It's time to get fired up Bruins.

    I've got to find a tree somewhere.  I hope I can get these clothes open in time.


    And I don't care if it's David Carr himself playing.  Give them both barrels from the opening kickoff.

  2. Last weeks pre-game ritual, I walked to the game in Baytown.

    This week, I thought I'd get dressed early so I'd be ready.

    I've put on my long Johns then my WB t-shirt next a long sleeve WB playoff shirt.  On top of that is my jeans and a Bruin sweater.  Next I've got a ski bib on then all topped off with a slicker suit and some rubber boots.  I can hardly move.  I don't think I can walk to the game this week.  I'm already starting to sweat. 

    I'll probably just get in the back of the truck and ride on the Bruin mascot.

    Darn it's hot with all this stuff on......I'm going sleep outside and continue to count WB players jumping over the goal line.

  3. To all Raiders:  Those in attendace at the WB game this weekend was very much appreciated.  The local support is important to all teams.  I made your game last week as was extremely impressed with your team and your fan base.

    I will be at Stallworth stadium on Friday bringing my best bag of mojo.  Good Luck...You have my continued support and hope you continue to reciprocate.

    Go Raiders...Go Bruins

  4. I've got some very inside information regarding this weeks game plan.  I was told not to share it with anyone.  I'm worried this might get out to the wrong hands but if you guys can keep a secret.  I hear that Stump's game plan this week is to score at least 1 more point than them.

    It doesn't sound that hard now does it.  If we can do that 5 more times in a row:  STATE CHAMPS

    Find a way to do it Brook.....just one more than the other guy.

  5. OK. HMMM.  What hasn't been said?

    How' bout an ugly win is better than a pretty loss?

    You would think after reading this that WB can't defend the pass.  If what you say is true, then why only 1 second half touchdown by SOHO?  You praise the Trojan qb yet he only scores once in the second half.  What we have to do is stop giving up the "big" play.  Would you trade any other teams D for ours?  Not me.  I would gladly trade many fans.  WB has the worst fans I've seen.  They are following a 10-1 team but you'd think the team is 1-10.  They have no spirit.  No life.  No enthusiasm.  I'm afraid if their seat caught on fire they'd be to lazy to get up.

  6. Congrats WB.  It seemed at times the Bruins were trying to shoot themselves in the foot but they were clearly the better team.  It was the most athletic qb the Bruins faced all year.

    WBfan09, I have to disagree with you on the play of the D.  Offense fumbled 6 times.  Defense gave up just 1 td on the opening drive of the second half then shut them down.  They were on the field a long time. 

    I will spot any team 1 td on the opening drive and shut them out the rest of the way and we will win almost every time.

    Too many mistakes to win in the playoffs.

    Fans, no, not fans.  Fans comes from the word fanatics.  What do you call people who just sit in their seat and occupy space?

  7. There's 7 of us now in what I call "The Gang".  I thought we were ahead of schedule on the walk so we stopped to play some tag football in a cow pasture just outside of Winnie.  Someone might need to bring me another pair of shoes as I've stepped in a few "mines" on our makeshift field.  I'll be bringing a few "mines" for the pregame student gift exchange.

    We're currently sitting on the side of the road playing paper, rock, scissors to see if we should wait to cheer for the buses that are coming or start walking.

    Paper covers rock doesn't it?

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