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Posts posted by Serpentor

  1. WO-S will be terrible for the next two years. How many teams in the district, 6? I'm thinking 5th place finishes.  :D

    Good old Gabe is testing his talent at stand up( or sit down at the computer) comedy

    Anyways, Hooks will find some good replacements, and Coach T will have that defense steam rolling offenses, same as every year. Can't wait for the Silsbee game

  2. I will say this, yes, basketball in this area has been more successful as far as teams winning championships and going deep in the playoffs than what football has done. But to suggest that basketball generates the same amount of money as football is ridiculous.

    I know from personal experience that we here at SETXsports can get way more sponsors for football than we ever thought about getting for basketball. It's almost apples and oranges. There are the exceptions to the rule (HJ, Silsbee) but trust me, I have tried other schools for basketball sponsors and it just ain't happening. Football on the other hand, well, they actually come to us most of the time. So, as a product that one needs to sell, football is definetly KING here locally over basketball.

    As for the gate reciepts, just ask any local football ref or basketball ref and they will tell you were the money is, it's football. I'll just use my home town school Silsbee as an example. Tiger football on average has about 5,000 or more attend their home football games. That's at least 25,000 home attendance for the season. For basketball, Silsbee normally gets 10 home games (only had 7 this year) and they average about 800-1000 for those games. So the most would be 10,000 home attendance for Silsbee basketball. The ticket prices are lower for basketball games than football and football in Silsbee has season ticket holders, guarenteed money even if they don't show up. It's not close as far as the money generated from these two sports. Football wins.

    I am pretty sure it's that way for 90% of the schools in our area, sans the HJ's, Kountze's, and Spurger's.

    Football generates more revenue, case closed. It may cost more than basketball, and in some cases basketball may profit more, but the arguement was what generated the most revenue and well, it's not even close.

    I will agree that in some cases the profit % is greater in basketball than in football. But the bottom dollar numbers will still be greater in football.

    As far as popularity goes, it's still football in this area. A local school can have tremendous success in basketball but not so much in football and it will be shown by the support that they get. But let that same school start winning in football and you will see the support for their successful basketball team pale in comparison to the football support. I broadcast both these sports along with baseball for this site, I have seen it with my own eyes. Schools that are traditionally successful in basketball that start getting successful in football will see the support for football be dramatically more than basketball. Even if it's just one year of success in football out of the last 10 years for that particular school, for that one year, football will be KING at that school.

    It is what it is.

    These are the comments I made over on the basketball forum regarding this subject.

    As big a basketball guy I am, I know that football is KING here in Southeast Texas. You're kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

    Always with the lectures...

    Here is an easy way to figure this out. Who cares about Basketball here? and Football?



    HF - 35

    WOS - 34

    :D not meaning this mean but you wouldn't score 35 on our JV. HF may score once that's it. Defense to good! Ask Silsbee.

    Well actually, we did smoke down your JV last year and hope to do the same to th V squad. But it definitely will not be a blowout.

    Are you bragging about beating a team with barely enough players to play? thats pathetic.

  4. Kville all the way. if you wrap up an tackle number 20 and just hit the quarter back he fumbles and pop which ever reciever wants to try and run that little hitch play in the mouth the game is pretty much over because wos can't score. Game ends 35-7 Kirbyville victorious

    yep that is right.......but its a lot harder than it sounds.and it doesnt matter if they cant score much, the Chain Gang wont let them score that high

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