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Posts posted by tenor_guard89

  1. Yea what about Moore in Splendora who broke both their records? Which brings me to Splendora Vs Sealy in the playoffs. The best two running backs in the state.

    No really First and second team all state Donald Moore and Eric dickerson. Dont remember the scores but the game was great. Of course i kinda bias.

  2. The hatred for coldspring that seems to live in the hearts of everyone who has ever attended Splendora will make itself known again this week. I was a wildcat i know the talk "Speed Kills" but look back the past two years. Splendora was slow but had a chip on their shoulder. The same chip thats there now. Just cant win to slow to stupid and dare i say it under coached. Get cocky coldspring because unless you get a track meet. You are going to get punched in the mouth. Sweat lead your team and please dont make me look bad. And as for Cleveland that is another fight for another day and the respect everyone on the varsity team has for Coach T should keep it like the battle for the bell. That said Coach T i wish you had it like this last year so i would have had a crack at these boys. lol

  3. Speed vs. Pure power in this case im taking the power. Coldspring is fast but what ive seen of them is that if you run down their throats they break. Splendora is going to have to milk the clock while smashing coldspring in the face until someone cryes mercy. And zavius dont tip toe because splendora will bring there hats.

    Splendora 27

    coldspring 13

    How did yall manage to cough it up to cleveland?

  4. Ok even sinking a ship can still sail to a dock and repair but without the wind they go straight down. Cheerleader have you ever played a down of football in your life? Im not one to disrespect another team and I know that anyone could be anyone but I dont see shepherd pulling this one out with having about 6 yards a play and being +5 or 6 in the turnover battle.Splendora is too big and to strong for yall to win without alot of help. And never say potentinal to win and no match agian its too contricting. sets up a good last game for the championship in the end tho.

  5. Not really splendora was already set to snap the ball before liberty got down. There they just didnt to give splendora a shorter feild goal than they already had. In 22 AAA Splendora (D1) and Coldspring are in the play offs the third spot is still mathmatically open to Cleveland and Shepherd but a Cleveland win gets them in to play WOS most likly leaving Jasper to Splendora and Coldspring to Kvil. IDK about the cleveland/ WOS game but the other two might actually be good to watch.

  6. Coldsping clinches while eliminating tarkington

    Splendora clinches while eliminating Liberty ( My disappointment of the year i picked them as the district number 2 or 3)


    Cleveland takes shepherd setting up the clinch next week agianst takington

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