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Posts posted by footballgoddess1

  1. Man, some of you guys sound very.......confident. Maybe, overconfident. I know our boys can beat this PAM team, but ANYTHING can happen. I hope we do come out of PA with a victory, and I hope it's a big one......but I'm a little apprehensive about making the bold statements that some of you are making. Afterall, PAM does like to throw the ball, ALOT! And our pass defense was a little soft in our win over Sterling. Let's just hope the chips fall in our favor! :)

    What's the matter champ? You can't be FAITHFUL to your team??????? You seem to have a problem with that......

  2. Well, crap! South Lake Carroll is in our playoff projections! Well, 82 5A Champ, I guess we take it one game at a time and show them what we are made of! I would rather get that far and put some points on the board then brag about beating some local teams and thinking we are hot stuff...hint, hint!

    It will be a tough game when we get there, I am being optimistic, and I will be there all the way to cheer them on!!

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