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Posts posted by Howdoyoulikeurcrow?

  1. Evadale is gonna win big...69-4...all you evadale players need to keep your heads in the game..i hear about players getting in trouble..its a shame..this website is a place for the older men to talk football.you boys need to keep yalls head in the game and focus on winning and not what we have to say..

    see yall thursday night

    A place for many (not all) older men to talk trash and then take the credit when 'their' team wins by saying "WE won" or "WE kicked their tails" when they're not the ones out there busting their rear at practice and friday nights...

  2. HD beat Hardin by kicking three extra points to Hardin's none way back at the beginning of the season, all HD has done since then is beat a few teams that barely have a football program. No disrespect to the other teams in your district, but it has to be the weakest I've ever seen. I assure you that you don't won't any of Hardin right now. If you'll notice, nobody ever mentions HD when they talk about power house football or winning traditions.

    I'm not even from HD and I know they always have a pretty good team. They might not go to state every year (like the amazing Hardin? HA!) but they do have a good program and always compete

  3. Exactly, I started with that(deweyville being a trouble spot) and got called a liar, invited to fight, and pretty much all my post deleted. My duties are almost complete, all I need now is for Hardin to win, then I'll lay it on a little thicker. But you're exactly right, they stole our clothes, egged our bus, ect. all three times I played there.

    Who cares what happened to yall when Reagan was President? Just because you claim some bad things happened to yall by Deweyville players in the 'Boy George' days, doesn't mean that all generations of Deweyville men are like that. Grow up...

  4. this game was between two teams full of teenagers what the heck do you expect to see???? a bunch of kids huggin each other and sayin why you played a great game tonight? especially between buna and deweyville there's almost no good blood between the two teams so classless or not you had to see what happend before and after the game coming. get over it move on play next week

    Well put...I agree  :)

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