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Coach Uno

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Posts posted by Coach Uno

  1. Ha that’s funny being practice didn’t start till August 1st. Not sure why PNG gets away with so much. First they do A and B team and get NO punishment then one of their coaches falsifies his heads up coaching certification and get busted NO punishment giving. It’s ridiculous what they get away with. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Coach85 said:

    I’m glad I’m through with this stuff. When my son played there were three teams. They had a purple, a white, and a gray team. We had a draft and all the kids were available for a three teams to draft. If you had the crappie team then you just sucked at drafting. This 💩 of making an A and B team and splitting it where the good kids go to the A team and the others go to the B team is strictly for the Dads. I know they do it in school but that is different. The problem at the STJFL level is you are supposed to coach these kids and teach them what the game is about. These coaches now days are all about making themselves look good and don’t want to teach. This could come back and bite them in the arse. Through all my years  I have seen kids that may not have been as good as the others but come high school some of them are beating the other “studs” in junior league out because those “studs” hit their peak already. These other kids are hitting their peak at the right time. I’ve seen it happen for years and when those “studs” aren’t playing in high school. Those are the parents that you hear all the bi___ing and moaning from.

    Yep couldn’t agree more. 

  3. Well looks like no one followed up on this issue from STJFL and now I heard the 💩 has hit the fan. PNG apparently has an A and B team for their two senior teams and some parents weren’t very happy about that and who would be. It’s not like the B team would be playing other B teams. So why not split the teams equally. What coaches wants to do that and have the B team with all the better kids going to the other team. Heard coaches and board members are getting suspended. O and a PNG board member/coach got suspended for falsifying his USA football certification. Really Really you can’t take couple hours and complete the course. I’m so glad I’m done with little league sports. Parents are in it for themselves and not the kids. I’m pretty sure no kid has been recruited from youth sports and signed a deal the next season. 

  4. Looks like there is an organization that is a little mad that they are having to split their senior team.  Some are wanting an A and B team in youth football come on seriously.  You shouldn’t be stacking teams in youth  football it’s called development for better things down the road.  Who really cares in 10-15 years what your youth football team did anyway.  If you want a stacked team go play select football were you can stack the team all you want.  Most of the time you get a couple kids that have never played. Yep even happened on my senior team. Good coaches/teachers will develop players regardless if they have ever played or not. 

  5. Here we go with waivers again. How can you get a wavier for a 7th grader? Just because he is 11 or 12 it doesn’t matter if he was 9 in 7th grade he still couldn’t play STJFL football. The rule clear says no 7th graders can play. 

  6. Why all the sudden was the team limit changed? It was changed last due to Covid which was understandable and now it went right back to what it was after just about all the organization drafted teams. That should have been changed and communicated months ago not 4 weeks before the season starts. 

  7. Wow that meeting was crazy last night. How can one organization get 9 waviers and another organization can’t get 2 for one team and two for another team. I don’t understand it. 

  8. 1 hour ago, D.C.BULLDOGS said:

    Doubtful anyone in STJFL on the executive committee has a pair of balls because they are more concerned about not hurting feelings. I mean I saw a lot of yellow badges get asked to leave fields and act fools for years. Nothing ever happens because ethics committee is a joke along with STJFL board. Trust me if you’re buddy buddy with orangefield you’re safe from all allegations. Even if anyone turns in allegations on OF they get ignored too. 

    I couldn’t agreed more and Juan is scared of PA. Wonder why PA runs the ethics committee. Because they are 75% of the ones that have issues week end and week out. I’m sure that’s why Fisher likes being over it too. 

  9. 1 hour ago, thaghost said:

    I'm glad you were the one that said his name. I knew where you got you misinformation from when you first posted this crude. Yes, the game ended at half. (Because he chose not to kick the coach out like he did the PREVIOUS game.) When you two are at the water cooler tomorrow GOSSIPING, be sure to ask him about the Ned coach he kicked out in the 5:30pm PA black vs Ned JR game. And by all means stop being so gullible, it's not a good look on you! 

    Ha the coach and qb got kicked out from my understanding from the referees which would make them ineligible to play this weekend. I did hear he kicked a coach out the game before. So I guess the cops weren’t called either they just showed up for nothing. This is why NO one wants to play PA always causing problems even at your own place. It’s has been this way for years. Maybe the next president will have some balls and not let this crap continue. 

  10. 33 minutes ago, thaghost said:

    CIVILIZED? The only coach that was kicked out was from the second to last game of the day/night. Guess what, he was from NEDERLAND! And, he acted a PLUM FOOL on his way out the gate. Maybe your ref failed to mention that to you. You can go ahead and believe and say what you want about PA,(I really don't give a BLANK!) because there are some GREAT (and not so great) role models here. It's just shows your character for you to come on the Superbowl thread and spew your hatred for a city. Is it because you keep getting out coached? 

    LOL so the Peewee game PA vs PA wasn’t called at halftime either? Cliff the head referee and the other to are making it up?

  11. Heard it straight from the referees mouth that were doing the game. He said they had to be escorted out. How does that even happen youth sports? O I forgot it’s not about the kids it’s about the want a be coaches that were studs in their youth league but never made it 🤣.  How does that even happen when both PA peewee teams are playing against each other. You can blame the referees all you want. Because that’s ok to just blame someone else for coaches getting kicked out. It was the referees fault right. Great role models y’all  are creating over there in PA. Now we see why no teams want to play PA y’all can’t even act civilized against each other playing 🤣

  12. So what happened in PA Saturday night in the Peewee game? Heard it got called at halftime police were called parents out on the field cussing at the referees. One of the QB’s was cussing in the referees face. Sounds like PA should be ban from for the super bowl. Coaches and players were ejected. Can’t wait to see this swept under the table like all the other stuff in the STJFL does. 

  13. Why no Pro Bowl this year? I get last year.  Short season due to the storm. Some of the kids look forward to it and kind of expect to have a game. Also gives them a chance to play along side some other good talent. That or lets move to a 10 game season and play two non conference games before kicking off the season. Let the parents and kids get more out of it.  

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