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Posts posted by ftballcrazy

  1.   Hey Coach RED!  Yes, we do miss you!  As you can see people just want to hate on Buna.  Why, I guess because they have to pick on someone to feel better about themselves!  I got a big laugh at the ones they tried to say Buna's Baseball team is not any good.  Buna baseball will be back with no hitch. 

      I liked that you tried to set somethings straight but these people just want to hate on someone and it seems the only team they feel like taking it out on is Buna.  That is why I don't really post on here anymore.  I don't care for people who don't even know the kids and talk trash on them like they are not humans.  Go ahead and make your remarks to my post but just know I will not return to read them.  Hate is just hate.

  2. Anahuac Dominates Buna Final score will be around 54 - 12 you have to Love it.

      Your name says you are a Dad?  You don't act like an adult.

      Buna did not come ready to play, we had 1 of our best players sick, we lost ,Congrats to Hardin.  Next week is a whole another game!  I don't think the boys liked being on the other end of the game and I promise they will come out fighting next week!

  3. maybe somebody put a nederland jersey somewhere under the concrete,  just like one of those workers, who was a red sox fan, did at the new yankee stadium       ;D ;D ;D

      That is funny!  Yankee's start losing there you know they will be tearing up the concrete or looking for the culprit!

  4. The only time Buna has done  alot of "smack" talking was with D-Ville.  They put wood to the fire.  I believe any team that was going thru their homecoming parade and had a player from the other team try to bust it up would start trash talk.  He was cussing around little kids, he came right over to our celebration and started smack talking, told 1 of our coaches your are dead with the wrong finger.  Now I want 1 of you to tell me you would not start trash talking with all that.  As for playing better teams in pre-season?  When Ike was coming in we tried to get Tarkington (3a) to play us Tuesday they said no, they said they would play us Thursday, don't you think they knew evacuations were coming?  We played Orangfield, Ike took away the Bridge City game and our coaches tried to filled the hole but all we asked turned us down.  We did get West Sabine to come for 1 of our open days.  Everyone put us down at the bottom on any list of who would be good this year.  I guess most people are upset they their prediction did not come true.  EC has never given us credit for being C0-Champs last year.  We have good kids and no one says anything when 1 of our players help another boy get up after a down and pat them on the back.  We have never gone to anyone else's field and put our flag in the middle of their field and did a dance.  We have good boys who stick together!  When we played Kountze we did admit the refs were not up to par.  That was not our fault both teams have to agree and there were only 2 options on that night for refs.  We did not pull a EC and say the refs did not make any mistakes.  We have said about every district game should be a good one.  Name me 1 time a person from a team said oohh we are gonna lose really bad.  If anyone did that they would bad supporters of their team.  Did the d-ville game get more trash talk then others, yes, I agree with that.  I don't think any of you would have been any better with what all when down. 



  5. I am a BIG Cougar FAN!  I understand we crumble in the playoffs.  Do we have talent, YES!  Had Talent for the pass 2 years!  You have to believe in yourself and the cougs have had that during the these last 3 seasons but just say the words NEWTON and PLAYOFFS most of them the stop believing.  They forget they have talent and game too!

      I really hope these Seniors can rally and Know they are as good as anyone and SUCK IT UP IN THE PLAYOFFS!  Last year to prove anything, you can lay down or you can fight!!  Only you can decide how to go out!

  6.   If the cougs going in the game thinking they already have it, they will lose!  If they go in looking for a fight, they will win!  I do believe it will be a good test for the cougs and hopefully they will keep their head in the game!

      Hope the coaches can keep them from getting to much of a big head.  I really would hate to see them lose because of not giving Hardin their Due.  Do not judge all of Buna by a few running off.  No game is won till the last blow of the whistle,  Any team can be beat on any Given night!

  7.   They talked about it in the Ananahuc and Kountze game.  Every now and then we get somethng in there.  I would love to see more articles about the whole district on Saturday even if it is  a 2 inch article and the stats but I think the coaches have to send that in.

      Hey Java, whose was your goverment teacher?  I think it is someone who knew you and trying to make a funny.  I also want to say Thank you for your service for our country!

  8.  Any team can be beaten on any given night!  If the boys from Buna think they already have the game they will be opening a big hole for Hardin to win!  If they fight from the first whistle to the last one and keep their heads in the game, I believe they can take it!  It should be a very good game!  All of Buna's games from now to the end will be hard fought games.  Just counts on the boys and if they get to big headed!  1 game at a time boys!  1 game at a time!

  9.   If it was cursed IKE would have taken it down.  Indians just need something to fire them back up!!  Being a TJ Grad that took allot for me to say!  ;D

      I have been wondering why every other band including Buna is playing The Indian Boys song?  Sorry, that was a carry over from TJ days, actually we use to call it something else but young kids are on here so....having heard it so much during my brothers years and TJ and my own and now having to hear it at Buna games it still gives me the willies!!

      DIG down deep boys and remember why you wanted to play football in the first place!!

      GGEEZZZ, I can't believe I am saying all that being a grad of TJ in '79!

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