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Posts posted by jwarner

  1. Update on Preston Warner... He is in Baptist Hospital in the ICU unit. After leaving the game last night and returning home, his condition began to decline. His parents took him to the hospital and after CAT scan and other testing, they have concluded that there is no skull fracture, but there is some bleeding and swelling. New testing will began this morning.

    Please keep him in your prayers

    His Uncle Joey
  2. Porkchop, the Dist 32 DA can't be blamed for this mistake. The affidavit used by little league to verify eligible players are filled out by the Manager of the team. It is then checked by the player agent of the league and finally the League President. Once these three people sign off on the affidavit (stating these are eligible players) then the DA signs off on it. He is checking for Birth Cert.-Proof of Residence-league boundaries. I would find it hard to blame the DA in this matter. This should be a lesson to all that manager an All Star teams.
  3. With high school ball coming to an end, we are starting to get things ready for another great year of Senior League. If there are any teams (leagues) that want to interleague with our league, please give me a call. We are going to kick the season off around the 9th of May. Players (15 and 16yr old) can contact me, if interested in playing. Senior league is part of Little League baseball.

  4. I agree with you Big Mac... Preston Warner will be one of the top pitchers (if not the top) in this area. He had a great year last year at West Brook as a Soph... He is a strong right hander with great stuff. Preston not only has a great fastball, but a wicked curveball, change and slider. He works ahead of the batters and keeps them off balanced. [u][b]I believe he will dominate this season[/b][/u].
        Prestons bat, like Big Mac said is one of the tops. He swings the bat with power and can crush the ball. I look for big numbers from him this year...

  5. The West End Senior league interleagued with Vidor, Lumberton, Spindletop and four of our on teams. It was a good season. Maybe next year, BC will interleague with us. The Angels (West End) won the league. Spindletop brought in a pretty good team but made to many errors and not enough hitters. They have plenty of speed on the bases. Vidor had the team to beat, but just didn't get it done. They have good pitching and solid hitting. However, they lost a couple of games due to the boys not showing up at the park ready to play...

    I am sure that the West End senior all star team will make it through the district tournament without a loss if they play ball. BC will have there hands full with Vidor, but in the end I think BC will take them.

    With that said, that would put West End and BC in the Sectional tournament @ district 28. I think the West End boys will want to take it to BC, since last year BC took it to West End...
    Should be fun to watch.
  6. For what it is worth, I thought both teams had their share of first ball game blues. The yellow flag came out way to much for both teams. In the end, WB out performed an Ozen team that really didn't look conditioned or ready to play.

    West Brooks offense - Overall "C"  Against a better ball club, I see the Brook struggling to score points.

    West Brooks Defense - Overall "B+" Outside containment was great, but secondary will need to tighen up a bit. Defense will keep the Brook in a bunch of games.

  7. From the West End of Beaumont let me throw in a BIG " WE ARE PROUD OF YOU "

    Coaches and Players, No matter the outcome of tomorrows big game, we are so proud of you. The memories of this journey, will be with each and everyone of you for the rest of your life. Enjoy!!!

    Now "GO KICK SOME BUTT"...... ;D



  8. I agree, Tomball will be good. However, I am pretty sure that West End will win district 12 with no problems and BC went through there district scoring a ton of runs. If I remember correctly, Tomball is a fastball hitting team, so if there is a good off speed pitcher for West End or BC, they can be beat. West End went 3 games with them 2 years ago and had we made a pitching change sooner, we would have beat them hands down. Live and learn..

  9. Does anyone know where the Junior Baseball Sectionals will be at? I looked at the eteamz website and they didn't have it

    RedBird5, District 12 is holding the Sectionals for Juniors. I don't think the DA has confirmed what park will host. I would guess maybe West End/Amelia field. I will post when I find out.

  10. Well I am glad yall didn't get to much damage from the storm. How many teams did BCLL / Vidor have in the 13 / 14 leagues. Have yall got to play many games up to this point. If I am not mistaken, BCLL tried to interleague with us, but it just wasn't worked out. Our league starts our end of the season tournament today. Double elimination that runs for 2 weeks. Last chance for the players to showcase their talents before All Star selections. Should be a good tournament.

    We have 5 Bridge City teams in 13-14 which is ok, last year I think we had 8..we have around 3 more weeks I think.

    5 is not bad considering..Ike . We have 7 teams this year, down 1 from last year.

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