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Posts posted by CoogTalk

  1. Cougs have good skill players... fast as lightning three or four just blazers and it lead to the victory or so i hear.

    (and to the lucky comment)

    You fumbled the ball where?

    so was Texas Tech Lucky or good for beating Texas i say good because missed oppurtunities happen in every game both ways and im sure the cougs failed to punch it in once which means that wasn't it lucky for you to stop them?

    (this was not addressed to most fans just those who use words like lucky about kids who worked exceedingly hard all year long and jumped on a football off a bad pitch and won a game)

  2. Ok seriously this is an issue its like saying katy believed thier hype when the got beat by South Lake a couple years back sheesh common. Ill give u something to look at Crosby Blanker 3-4 teams last year and one of which was those pesky little Indian from that grove in the bushes over by the big channel. And the broncos put a meek 49! on that team in the first round, let me say although district titles are fun playing dayton in the first round sucks, and last time i looked Green Aand Dugat play for the broncos... i think thier alright go kick some butt next week and maybe just maybe crosby might pull some magic out the hat again and they'll still be two 19-4a teams in the playoffs

  3. goodness gracious great balls of fire did u see the lumberton box scores for Sophomore quarterback Dominic Merka...

    11-19 for 168yds and 4 TD's

    rushing 10att/113yds

    good lord i couldn't believe my eyes, maybe someone with the good stat knowledge could confirm or deny these ridiculous numbers

    hes only a sophmore and in the playoffs no less against lumberton he did this....

  4. I'll say it if other cougar fans won't the Crosby cougars stole one from Lumberton... i don't know if its peaking at the right time, a defense deciding it didn't want to go home. 

    So now the Crosby COugars have the great pleasure of playing Brenham... o yeah this is gonna be a great game, if crosby still remembers how to play defense and Merka turns twenty in a day hes gonna have to look like a senior....

    Brenham 49-17

  5. This is a legitimate gripe....

    The only 4A district the Houston media covers is the Texas City LaMarque district, and with the state championships out of that district you can understand that.  The Houston media really needs to concentrate on the 5A schools, and this is what they do.

    I also totally understand us getting blacked out by Beaumont, we are not in their TV range and with satellite and cable we get the houston locals.

    To be blacked out by the Enterprise is not right!

    In Dayton we can get the Enterprise and they didn't even have a write up on us.

    At least by being in 22-4A we do have channel 4, 6, and 12 at our home games so they can get the highlights of the visitor team back to the Beaumont area.

    Many Bronco fans want to go back to 21-4A, if you are griping about the coverage now, we won't get ANY coverage if we are in that sorry district that hasn't won a first round playoff game in YEARS.

    The geography of Dayton is just poor for coverage.

    It's halfway between Houston and Beaumont, it's not a 5A school, and Houston is not growing to the northeast (yet)....

    Barbers Hill will experience huge growth over the next decade.

    After Barbers Hill fills up and becomes 5A, maybe the Houston sprawl will move into Dayton.

    Until then, we get no coverage, unless we run off two or three years of playoff runs like this.

    It is ashame, because the young men playing for the Broncos are AWEsome individuals.

    The playmakers of this team, AJ, Greg, Ronnie, Ford, and John are really great athletes and are taking this success as good as you can expect a 17 or 18 year old can.

    I am so glad I was able to influence them while they were in 8th grade, for them to remember ALWAYS BELIEVE is great.

    This Dayton team has a great chance of getting to the big dance, that will only notch another state championship from the many state championships that 22-4A has won.  The last time a team made it all the way to the title game was in 99, hopefully Dayton can represent the district and go all the way and WIN the big game.

    We get tons of coverage by the baytown papers in 21-4a, The sun was hyping the Coogs all year.

    as for the other person saying we could of blanked the COOGS, Give Mookie his fucking props he broke 6 tackles to get that touchdown, unless your saying Stewart never taught those boys how to tackle don't take that away from him, it was like a fifty yard run, hes a senior and deserves to be able to say he did that...

  6. It's not trash talk about Crosby. It's the truth. The J.V. quarterback, Zach Crowder, went in at the end of the 3rd quarter and played the entire 4th quarter.

    yes late third quater and yes the game was in hand but, specifying crosby was low... don't talk trash have class, i dunno if thats possibl with some of the fans over there but im sure a few of u guys do have some class...

  7. If I were part of the JV squad that got to play against Crosby, I sure would be preparing to play this Friday.  Dayton will be up by at least 49 points with one quarter left.  I wouldn't be surprised to see a shut out.

    Can the JV move the ball with only calling running plays between the tackles?

    stop the trash talking... Yall won 

    as for not taking this team seriously, yall get more cocky every week i think it might catch up to you guys although, i think your good enough to win a state championship this year.

  8. I am about to make two good points here on this thread, which by the way is probably one of the best threads yet.  #1 This is exactly why the better coaches get the better pay.  I  believe this years team is a perfect example of a Head Coach who put together a staff of his liking, and made the best of it.  Coach Credeur is a perfectionist, and never lowers his bar of expectations.  Talk to any of his players, they believe that there is nothing that they CANT do.  #2 The 2007 Lumberton football team is a perfect example of football being a team sport.  There is not ONE athlete on that team that is of D1 caliber, but yet when they play the Ozens, Daytons, and I am sure even Cleveland will have someone go D1 from their school, they can beat them.  When you have ALL 11 guys doing their jobs, and not trying to do more, you will have a successful football program.  Now is this team more talented than the years past, Heck no.  Do they have some Good athletes yes, they do.  Light, Eckert, Luttrell were GREAT athletes all with D1 potential, however they didn't have the nucleus like this team does.  As a former coach, my hat goes off to these coaches and players, because they have worked hard for this to happen. "The cream rises to the top."  Soon it will become a common theme, Lumberton will eventually get into the play-offs year after year.  Good Coaching beats Good athletes 9 times out of 10.

    wow they are good your right but im intrested in the redistricting, we amy get Dayton back, but if not i feel sorry for that district because what it looks like is every year you will have four teams killin for three spots, DAYTON, PNG, NEDERLAND, AND LUMBERTON, not to minchin those other schools aren't pushovers.

  9. Ok, theres one thing no one can teach, and thats the heart of a champion. the COOGS have always seen it, and apparently cultivate it. To be honest i think this is a fight between a very strong powerful team (lumberton) versus a very quick team and a good size team with strength. Ignoring state championships, ignoring records, ignoring districts, ignoring any stats, i think that the coogs will win this one by a touchdown.

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