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Posts posted by straycat

  1. Well that's where we disagree solo, because I believe in right and wrong and whether ur a kid or an adult u should be held accountable for your actions.  U don't get a free pass to say or do whatever u want because ur a coach.  Are YOU not held accountable for what u say and do on ur job or can u say and do whatever u want?

    That's it I'm done talking about this on the message board. That's just me.
  2. [quote name="Riding Solo" post="965680" timestamp="1297639423"]
    I KNOW STARKS IS GOOD. They have been for years, I mean "come on" they play basketball year round. Never mean't any disrepect towards them. Just thought is was a game Orangefield should have won. Not blow them out or anything just should have won the game.Orangefield has more depht and talent. My problem is with orangefield, the focus does not seem to be there day in and day out. Not suprised they lost to Starks. Never know what team is going to show up from game to game. This game just proved that the Starks kids work harder on the little things more than the Orangefield kids do. Plain and simple!!!!!!

    HOW ABOUT MAKING AN ADJUSTMENT,  Thats all I am saying. 
  3. [quote name="bleed orange" post="952339" timestamp="1295639322"]
    Bridge Citys inside game has improved. The guard play will be the difference in this game. Fundamentally Orangefield is better but Bridge City is more aggressive.

    Bleed did you ever think you would be saying that Orangefield is not as Aggressive as another team?  UNBELIEVABLE!!!  But who wants to play agressive when you know if you get a foul you gonna be pulled from the game.  At least .......never mind it's not worth getting all worked up over!!!! 
  4. [quote name="bleed orange" post="952622" timestamp="1295664098"]
    Listening to the broadcast, the post players hardly shot the ball. If you have "NO" inside game it will be hard to win the big games.  Orangefield currently has "NO" inside game and they cannot shoot freethrows. You have to make freethrows. Orangefield used to be state ranked in freethrow percentage. Not anymore.

    That's becasue they shoot very little OR not at all at practice. 
  5. The fact of the matter is this is not a cheerleading competition or drill team competition; it is a football game.  The boys are competing.  

    If there was no drill team, cheerleaders, band are even fans in the stands the football game would go on.

    Some of the examples mentioned on here were of kids choosing one competition (they were competing in) over another competition (they were competing in).  The difference being they were participants in the events and not spectators.  The girls need to compete in their sport, plain and simple.  

  6. I usually don't get on here and say much.  I read and shake my head at some of the silly crap people say on here.  But, in talking about poor sportsmanship I will say this.  I did see # 15 for Orangefield shove the ball in the chest of an HJ player after a foul and thought that was very uncalled for. 

    I also saw Burrell talking trash to the OF players the entire time he was in the game.  Then on another occasion an HJ player walked by a group of OF students sitting on the bottom row near half court and said "Why y'all bring these scrubs down here to play". Also uncalled for.    Most of the kids, on both teams, were out there trying to just play hard.  So, I would suggest not throwing everyone  under the bus because of the way 1 or 2 players acted.    The unsportsmanlike door swings both ways..

  7. Keep in mind. On Orangefield's first drive. Craft stripped the Bobcats QB and took it for 6. The flag was Bush. Watch the game tape. That could have changed the game dramatically. Orangefield played alot harder and with alot more intensity than i expected.

    whether it was "BUSH" or not the TD  was called back.  There were several things that happened, or did not happen that could have changed the outcome of the game for both teams.  I was very proud of the youngsters on O'fields team.  Some sophomores really stepped it up.  If they keep playing hard the breaks will come.  They have Hart and the desire to win...

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