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Posts posted by Xlion

  1. Well I for one know first hand that the STJFL does everything in it's power to let as many kids play as their Bylaws allow.

    My youngest son was given a waiver to play ( they waived the minimum #of plays ). You see he has downs syndrome it was the best

    three years of football I have ever experienced. For that I thank the STJFL!!  8)

  2.   This thread is so sad!! First LC-M parents and Politics ran David Williams off !! Then when they didn't The Coach they(Parents and Politics) wanted. So they began the process of running  Coach Moody off !! I can remember Coach Moody's first year,I took my son to LC-M's football camp that year and the assistant coaches where already bashing Coach Moody. Keep in mind LC-M your job of AD/ Head football coach is not desirable......because of the parents and politics. The only way you can fix LC-M's problem is find the source of bad politics(Cancer) and REMOVE it from your school...... and the cancer knows who they are!!!!! TRUTH HURTS!!!!!!!!  

  3. The problem does not solely lie with "unnamed coach"

    it lies with the attitude of the school and the community, no coach will ever change things as long as the community and schools attitude remains the same. Moody is dealing with the same problems that ultimately moved DW to retire.

    As far as inspirational leaders go, i know of a small core group of players that can be counted on to play hard every snap and try to get everyone else on their level.

    Skipper said earlier that LCM was very poor at blocking, i dont agree with that to an extent, i've seen the line open up huge holes, its the lead backs and tight ends that have a problem with blocking. But i also saw several times LCM has tried to use play action and QB keeps, and they just wont work because there is not a good enough ball fake. The biggest problem is LCM's defense.

    What it comes down to is that you can't win on effort alone. Great effort beats great talent, but LCM lacks something resembling talent. They are getting run over, or run around. I will say that they play hard and do the best they can with what they have. The starters as of now, minus maybe 4 or 5, are players that have been backups all their lives.

    I really do feel sorry for all the players coaches and fans, but just think of this, the struggles of this year will only prepare those young guys, and better equip them for next year.

    And there back ups have been starters all their lives, With that being said.. Respect is earned not given. When the LC-M players learn that have to earn RESPECT that it will not be given to them, and want to earn it (respect) everything will start getting better.

  4. I hear talk about dedication and hard work and busting butts......My question is, ow many of those kids ran track?  If you do not have those kids on the track in the spring, you are not going to get faster.  Speed wins games.  If you cannot run, you cannot win and especially down there.  I do not know much about the current LC-M situation but I can can speak with some authority about the overall mind set of the community.  It is voiced here in the idea that the 3rd teamerrs should play because they work hard.  That ain't how it works.  As a coach, you have to give the team the best chance to win.  There is a reason they are 3rd teamers.  It is also the coaches job to motivate those starters to do what is right.  If the coach is not allowed to do what it takes because a parent may be in the Supt. office wondering why baby is being disciplined and an "elementary approach" is seen as the best measure, then the coaches hands are tied.  But like I said, that is the mind set of the community.

    I don't think any of the people here beleive that "3rd teamers" should start simply because of hard work...the element of having your best guys out there comes into play.  However, if your "best guys" have oddles of talent and no commitment, and no work ethic, then you must find a way to give them some.  Look at it in your workplace...if you have a guy who is "boss' favorite" and he has no incentive to work hard, why should he?  How does that affect you?  Do you want to strive to do your best, if the house mouse will always get the best and you get the leftovers? 

    It translates the same way to a team.  If the starters aren't afraid of being demoted to 2nd or 3rd string, what motiviates them?  If they feel there is a guarantee of a starting spot, why work hard?  In football, you have to leave the field wide open for advancement.  The "3rd teamer" must be almost as good as the first string.  That is good coaching.  Anyone can take a talented kid and let him play.  It takes a heck of a coach to take a raw kid, with little talent, and create a football monster.  It takes dedication on the part of the parents, the coach, and the kid.  However, the opportunity to move up MUST be there.  And playing lazy kids just because they have decent talent brings down a team. 

    Now before all the first string parents jump my case, if your kid is hitting the weight room, running, and doing all the rest of the things necessary to excel, guess what?  I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT YOUR KID!  If, however, your kid knows of a teammate that is there on talent alone, and feels they don't have to work hard, then it needs to be addressed.  There was a kid on last year's team that embodied the work ethic, and it showed on the field.  If you were to look at him, you wouldn't think "bad butt", but on the field, that was exactly what he was to opposing players.  This year's team needs to look at JV as the example of work ethic, and copy and embody that.  All of them, from 1st string to 10th string.  Then, with that example in mind, they can come out and play ball like they should...

    both are well said.......

                [move]This year's team needs to look at JV as the example of work ethic, and copy and embody that.[/move]

    Just a little FYI...... There where some varsity players that where asked to play last Friday.... and did!!!!

  5.     Well I can't speak for all of the starters, but I know of one who is up @ 6:30am every morning  to go work out. I've watched a couple of practices this spring. They look young, but they also look like they WANT to learn and get better. This group of young men are driven and with some [glow=red,2,300]support[/glow] we can fuel this drive. 

      also... ELHECTOR1---- I accept your challenge I'LL be there to support the BEARS because it's all about FAMILY...... 8)

  6.   I'm a little confused how can these two, be big time players that quit be big time players if they quit on their teammates...

    Because that is what they did quit on teammates....not coaches. Yes there are players that work very hard for a school and fans that are more worried about players that QUIT! It puzzles me how when I first moved here all I heard was how the problem with LCM football was DW now its TM.

  7. Young and with little support....with quotes like this...

    Peter Griffin


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    Posts: 9

        Re: *Central vs. LC-M/LC-M SHOCK CENTRAL/COMMENTS*

    « Reply #27 on: February 09, 2008, 10:54:44 PM » Quote 


    BOJO is a "slogan" used by LC-M football only.  Any attempt of using it for basketball or baseball is ill advised.  The players (and coaches) of these sports (LC-M basketball & baseball) did not choose this slogan, nor do they like it to represent their accomplishments.  Chanting it on this topic is simply just some trying to "bandwagon" the Bear basketball program.  Please, leave "BOJO" out of this.  It doesn't apply.   

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