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Posts posted by ndnfan

  1. png81 I tend to agree with you.  Constituents have gotten tired of the runaround from some of the board members.  Anytime a person asks for public info documentation and is denied or ignored and then has to file an Freedom of Information request to get said info, it's time for those responsible to go.  BTW, I'm not referring to the FOI requests about PNG's head coach position.  I'm referring to requested information regarding bond info and expenditures, requests for proposals, contracts etc.  These are the issues that never made it to the local media but many in the community knew about it and their votes in this election reflected it. 

    I personally believe that the only "agenda" that 2 recognized police officers and an outstanding retired teacher could have is restoring the public confidence in the operations of the district.  I personally feel very secure knowing that there are public servants on the board now because they must operate above the fray as their own jobs dictate it.  No more secrets.

  2. What everyone's opinion?  There's been a complete shift in the board.  No imcumbents reelected in contested races.  New board members Rodney Balsamo, Jimmy Walters, and Lana Parker.  Carol Broussard's position was uncontested.  That leaves the old timers: Rusty Brittain, Darren McCutcheon and Gary Stretcher. 

    Interviews with voters showed many people had concerns about the direction of the district, construction issues, disappointment about certain issues with the stadium and athletics and the overall district expenditures.  Heard lots about the board not listening to constituents or responding to questions.

  3. Well to bring another aspect to this, if Danaher is in fact "the one", what kind of deal would have to be made for his wife since she is the current Asst Supt for Curriculum and Instruction for Calallen ISD?  I don't think many know about this potential issue.  My apologies if this has been brought up elsewhere and I missed it on the board.

    This is the hidden content, please

    Then click on district and administrators.

  4. Gut feeling says they will not cut MB loose since his youngest will be a senior next year and is a varsity cheerleader.  Some board members are too loyal to him and his brother.

    Last item on the Board Agenda says

    "Discuss Duties and Responsibilities of the High School Head Football Coach".  Doesn't exactly sound ominous, so read into that what you will.

  5. From the PNG website

    An observant coach would have pulled obviously frustrated players out of the game and let others play while they cooled off.  With so little time left in the game (3:00+ minutes) why weren't we already swapping out seniors so they would have a final chance to play as a NDN?

    BTW, most of our 40+ seniors never played one play on the new field this season much less at any other stadium.  Is this what's happened to our Honor, Pride, Tradition?

    Friends I spoke with at/after the game, were saying the same thing.  Many of us were embarrassed for both sides. 

  6. I'm with shovelhead.  I don't think we can lay most of the blame on the kids.  They are responsible for poor ball handling but ever thing else falls on the shoulders of the coaches.  I think there has been underutilization of some players and the continued overutilization of kids playing both ways.

    When you keep doing the same thing every week and it continues to fail why should you expect a different outcome next week?

  7. This is truly ridiculous.  If there are College FREEAKiN coaches recruiting a kid who's sitting the bench, then PNG has no hope of making the playoffs again.  This is a litmus test for your community.  Either you believe that the players this year really just aren't that good, or at least haven't played well enough.  Or you think that they guy who led you to a State Championship game has lost his frikkin mind.  I don't buy the comment that a college coach is recruiting a bench warmer... gonna take a lot more evidence than a post on a board.  I think, this is what the TRUE problem is in PNG, a failure to acknowledge the facts.

    Brubaker, I didn't say any of this makes sense.  Historically speaking, PNG athletics as a whole has been known to have a one track mind set.  If at first a choice doesn't succeed, they keep on and on hoping to be redeemed at the end.  There have been many PNG bench warmers over the years, that if they attended a different school, we would have seen them on college teams later.  Please attend some practices, talk to other there before you make up your mind.  I stand by my facts.  I will be attending the game tomorrow and will talk to some players myself because I have access.

  8. Alot of that is wishful thinking.  I watched PNG play this year, they aren't that good, lack speed in many positions.  I have a hard time believing a dad's comment that a college is recruiting them when a coach that took a team to the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP isn't playing him.  Somethings wrong over there, but I think you have to look deeper than the coaching staff.  It's an easy scape goat, but there's something else. 

    Hate to disagree, but the recruiting issue is a fact.  This dad was at the practice (like many other NDN dads) this week when some of the scouts were there and talked to them.  He said the scouts were scratching their heads about it too!

  9. That's why I started this thread.  There are lots of opinions out there and most not favorable.  I know that its been a rough time at the Rez this week.  Coaches are catching lots of #$&^ from parents.  Some players are sick of playing both ways and lots of parents are backing them.  You've got senior parents screaming whose kids haven't stepped on the field this year.  And I'm talking about seniors who have been on varsity a couple of years.  Talked to a player's dad this week and some college scouts are talking to these same seniors based on what they are seeing at practice, but yet these guys haven't been on the field all year.  What are they seeing that the coaches aren't? 

    Based on Jr High history this was a team that was supposed to go a long way and they've hit a brick wall.  IMHO, this is more than just an off year.

  10. Some of us are looking for a real discussion about this.  If you go on the Indians site you get a lot of BS or deletions etc, so I bring it here.  Many on the other site feel if you question things that you are not "pro-kids".  The issue is we are pro-kids and thats why we care and why we question. 

    PNG board members read (and post on) the other site constantly and it affects what is being posted or for how long it stays.

    BTW, if you want to post about how much bigger or better you are or complain about officiating, then go to another thread.

    Let the discussion begin....................................... any takers?

  11. WAY TO GO PIRATES!!! 1 game at a time.

    Well I believe we have the fumbles down to a minimum. We moved the ball well until we would commit a penalty. PN-G just looks flat. I have never seen a team from PN-G look so uninterested. Usually they have so much energy it is unreal. It is like they are going through the motions but hardly caring about the outcome. I am not bashing I am just giving my observations and do not mean to offend anyone. Vidor did come out in the first half and get the ball moving. We did not wait until the 2nd half to start throwing haymakers. They do have some very classy players. On several plays tonight I seen them help up our young men off the ground. My hat is off to them that is something that shows true sportsmanship no matter what the score board says. At times the PN-G O line looked very good and other times it looked like they took the play off... confused... It is like they are getting tired in the first half... Good luck the rest of the way Indians.

    Again this isn't meant as bashing just what I seen tonight.

    Thanks coach, no bashing taken.  We are still playing old Burnett football. 65 + players on a team, but only play around 18.  That line cannot continue to play both ways.  Based on Jr high history as well as freshmen & jv history, this should have been the one of our best teams in years and too much is being asked of too few players.  There are excellent players on the bench who should be getting tons of playing time.  We go to the practices and see it regularly.  The same question is asked daily.

  12. PNGfan66,  I agree with what you say about different players not playing.  I too have been to some practices and there are some guys on the sidelines that should be playing. A couple I know are seniors and one is even a 2year senior.  Many parents (?) going to the practices are making the same comments.  There are way too many playing both ways.  There are 66 players listed on the varsity roster.  No one else in our district comes close to having this number.  After many complaints last year about players playing both ways, the players were told at the beginning of the season this wouldn't happen this year.  Another promise broken I guess.

    I do know that the players are tired of all the hoopla going on about the stadium for the last year (especially the seniors).  Because they started on it so late they will not get to play a full season at home.  These young men realize that it's not a stadium that gets you a district championship much less a state championship.  It's just plain ol' hard work.  The stadium has been a distraction to them more than anything else.  Its perceived as more for the fans and less for the players.  Its about giving the fans bragging rights over other schools in the district. This is not my opinion but feedback from several players.

    It does look like the conversation is getting a little interesting on the PNG Indians website.  Here's a quote from a topic that has been locked.  I guess it's getting a little too hot for some but its a crying shame if its true to punish a player this way.

    Go to the PNG Indians website 

    This is the hidden content, please
    and check this out. 

    Re: PN-G VS LIVINGSTON -- **Live updates **

    « Reply #142 on: Today at 12:34:50 AM »

    Quote from: PNGfan on October 11, 2008, 12:38:21 PM

    Here's my two cents. You can't blame the coaches on this one.  Livingston man handled our offensive line, and was in Tatum's face all night. Tatum either didn't have time to throw or he took too long and was sacked. Tatum needs to tuck and run up field if the WR isn't open. He's a good QB, but he needs to work on his vision of the field.  They need to bring up JV linemen I guess cause the varsity lineman looked horrible.  RB's quit trying to beat people to the sidelines because everybody we play is faster. If your running around the end and see pursuit, lower your head and try to gain as many yards as possible. It looks like Harmon runs a little better than Wright.  Wright may be too bulky too hold on to the ball. Defense didn't do too bad considering they were on the field alot. Still hurting in the secondary.  One more thing, the five yard out quick passes, either teach kids to come back to the ball or quit calling that play. It killed us last night and caused the other team to get 14 points.  I don't see that much talent this year from this team and aren't very motivated to play.  I don't think the blame should be ALL on the coaches, these boys are going have to step up and want to get it done or stay at the house for playoffs.  I wish the football team the best of luck for the rest of the season.

    Quote from MightyNDNS "That is because some of your talent is sitting on the bench.  One in particular's dad ran for school board and spoke the truth and now the kid is paying for it - which is the biggest bunch of hogwash I have ever heard of - let the team suffer because the school board wants to cry in their corn flakes... get a frickin grip - bunch of pansies...."

  13. Last i heard it will be completed by the start of District.

    Next year's players have already been told to prepare to play all games away.  Negotiations are going on with Nederland to use their stadium.  Now if you ask admin they will tell you a different story, they don't want to deal with questions from the taxpayers and the press. 

    They got started well over a month too late and then add the crazy weather.  The original timeline still had us playing all non-district games away so it was already close.  In one of the bond meetings, the board was told we would need near perfect weather to hit the original completion date.

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