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Posts posted by hillbilly

  1. VP93, 

                  thank you !!!!!   Who knows who might turn out to be a great baseball player or whos gonna collect baseball cards the rest of their life and be happy about it. Like I stated earlier ( may the best TEAM win and they did ) .  Every town in the golden triangle represented its town with great athletes and every town ought to be happy!!!! I know that T. C. had 24 outstanding players that represented Sour Lake very well and Im very proud of them. But the way I look at it is that I still got up and went to work the next day, its not the end of our lives guys.  We have plenty more years to grow as an area community with our kids but were all gonna have to get along!!!!  I would have loved for our team to be the ones that are going to Irving but it did'nt end up that way and I HOPE VIDOR BRINGS  HOME THE BACON. I WOULD MUCH RATHER SEE ONE OF OUR AREA TEAMS WIN THAN A HOUSTON OR ANY OTHER TEAM!!!

  2. T.C. has a stab at it but like I said in other threads that this is still an age where n-e thing could happen from day to day. I heard Vidor has a good little team with a solid defensive side. We scrimmaged Orange the other night and i feel like they're gonna show up to play!  If money was a factor, I wouldnt bet because at any given moment in any given day I think that this group of kids(golden triangle) are all in it for the win and in my book - its gonna be a fight all the way to the end!!!

  3. Well, I would first off like to tip my hat to Vidor! Like I said before- may the best team win and they did but by no means am I taking away from any of our kids at T. C.  If for some of you who dont believe that it does not matter to some of these 5 & 6 year olds, just come on over and Iwill let you have a little talk with my 6 year old (Baker #99) who just about balled his eyes out when it finally sank in that baseball was over for the year. Yes as parents we do get a little carried away at times but we all want whats best for our kids and to see them happy at all costs! Once again, congrats to Vidor, I know yall will represent us well ( golden triangle) . BRING HOME THE BACON GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      P.S.   Its  nice to be able to get on here and talk about the kids with out two towns going back and forth at each other  over stuff that apparently makes no sense at all!

        Thanks Rob for the comments you had , I appreciate every word.

        Thank you Coug for the compliments on all of our kids!!!   

  4. I'm not sorry if this gets taken the wrong way.....this has been the typical train wreck you don't want to look at but cant turn away from....and none of you can see it because your all buried under the rubble.......I am embarrassed for all of you and this thread!!!   5 and 6 year old kids are playing a game....5 and 6!!  people keep saying remember the kids.....think about the kids...but from what has been posted I'm certain no on really means it. 

    Competition is great for kids....but you have mentioned coaches wanting to fight......moms wanting to fight......parents yelling at their own kids as well as kids that are on the other team.......complaining about umpires in a 5&6 year old baseball game.........predicting who is going to win, again 5 and 6 years old??  former coaches saying how much "pressure??" these coaches are under to win because it's win or go home??.......WHAT PRESSURE??  THEY ARE 5 and 6??

    We wonder all the time about why more and more kids quit sports at an earlyer age??

    Really, we have to wonder??  Like i said you cant see it because your all under the rubble. 

    I'll try to end with a little laughter although the ones that get it will say hmm.....rather then laugh.........maybe both....?

    How close are we from husbands having their pregnant wives playing baseball and both mommy's and daddy's yelling at belly's because what's inside didn't make mommy run fast enough, or throw it to the right base, or hit the ball hard enough.  How upsetting it will be when every major league scout is not present at the birth to sign them up for the majors.................

    Baseball is the greatest game to teach us about life but if the game is done wrong.....life gets a bad rap......Before you leave for any game....parents....take a step back..look in the mirror...say 'it's for the kids'...... and really mean it!!

    ??? ??? ???

        Don't you get excited when you think your boy is gonna make first chair in the band?

    Well since you have shown me the light I will arise from the rubble and be a better parent..I will no longer root for my child or give them encouragement.I will let them know that since they are only 5&6 that there game means nothing and they shouldnt try to win.And I guess if someone is hollering at my child then I should just let them and not say anything to them because I dont want to be under the "rubble" anymore..

       I have to go look in the mirror and say "it's for the kids'..And I mean it..if the umpires make a terrible call tonight I will just say' they are only 5&6 it dont matter. When my nephew tells me he was safe instead of out I  will just say "well son,It dont matter you are only 6 and it dont matter if you was out or safe".

  5. Thanks for the compliments Green, I along with one other coach are struggling back and forth between shetland and pinto games and practices because were helping on both squads. No problems from your side either , we all new what we were out there for and that was to make every individual kid that stepped foot on the field better and thats what its all about. Its gonna be interesting this year, I think that as time flies by, that these young group of kids are gonna make southeast Texas a hot spot when our time comes in the future. I dont think theres enough colleges to hold the future. Can I get an AMEN !!!!!!!!!

  6.    I want to start out by mocking the other replies, GREAT JOB BY THE GROVES TEAM!!!!!    I would also like to comment on the umpire staff tonight, that was one of the best called games I have seen in a while, I hope there back again tomorrow! T. C. hit the ball good (not great),  alot of balls hit on the ground and thats what it takes. Good things happen when the ball is hit on the ground. Not one pop up from the T. C. squad, WAY TO GO T. C. !!!!  I would like to say good luck to both teams  tomorrow but I would be telling a lie so GOOD LUCK TO T.C. -SHOW THEM WHAT YOUR MADE OF GUYS! ;D ;D ;D

        Oh yeah,  I think there will be a game three. May the best one win and whoever it shall be I know with confidence that with the talent that both of these teams have that our area will be well represented in a competitive but  appreciative manner!!!!!!

  7. well i agree, good game vidor! tough infield and outfield got the ball in quick. Im not gonna take anything away from the kids from vidor, seems like they stayed focused the whole game. T. C. did not hit the ball tonight- in my opinion , if we would have shown up like we have in the past we would have given vidor a little bit more run for the money. On the other hand, (not sayin it cost us the game) but the field umpire couldnt make a call on his own, everything questioned about he had to go to the plate umpire and ask for his opinion when the plate umpire wasnt even watchin the play. Both teams got some unfair callin tonight. I think if every thing goes well we will see vidor again Friday and we will have to show up with our game faces on to win both games out of a doule header but I think it could happen!!!  Good games tonight !!!

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