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Posts posted by pngballer

  1. It was a great win for Lumberton at the reservation this year, first win ever against PNG.  But my observations about MB is that he's truly a class act and a great coach and his record speaks for itself.  The PNG fans need to step up and support him.  In Lumberton, we know what bad coaching was when we had Fuller.  Obviously, changes are needed from time to time, but make no mistake, MB is no Fuller.  PNG has a lot of talent coming up and much better days ahead based on your successes in the 8th, 9th, and JV squads.  Considering you were playoff bound last year, don't make a reactive decision based on one bad year.  Keep that experienced coach.  The competition in 20-4A was much stronger this year and also contributed to PNG's poor record.  With that said, an adjustment might need to be made on the coaching staff by MB, maybe just a reassignment somewhere defensively; linebackers or secondary (as an example).  If any changes are made, it should not involve replacing the head coach.  Your program from top to bottom is very good.  Your fans are some of the most loyal fans in the state.  Every team goes through this at one time or another.  From one Lumberton fan's perspective, keep the faith and the coach!

                Dont agree because the seniors this year always had talent and they also won the districe title there freshman year and did highly there junior high years they only became stronger when they moved together. and as far as talent . Burnett wants to say we didnt have talent this year on offense ? Wrong because 7 offensive starters from last years play off season have returned. I honestly dont like the mans coaching methods. honor pride an d tradition is not supos to turn out in a 3-6 season and only to win one district game. but thats what happens when your offensive cordinator wants to call the same play 3 times in a row only geting negative yards ...  Boys lets clean house .. becuase lack of talent is not the case.. Get us some leaders.
  2. well im a highschool student and have playued in the districet this will be my 5th year now.

    and indian spirit..

    The crowd shows up  only a couple true fans..

    the only tim ei hear any cheer is at the begingin of the game or if we do sumthin good yall dont cheer us on .. if we do bad yall leave the game..

    or if were down a couple pints in the 4th quarter its o lets leave befor traffic.. stay and cheer us on be a true fan..


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