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Posts posted by sharkb8er

  1. heck if you know it all then why ask the question?

    I am completely confused.  How have I indicated that I know it all?  I must have missed something. 

    P.S.  please enlighten us with what supplement (if any) would assist weight gain other than protein.  Understand that by saying weight gain, were are refering to muscle mass and not just putting on extra fat. 


    Hate to break this to you, but if you are not providing your body with the building blocks it needs to grow, no amount of work is going to provide the results you are seeking. While I agree that proper diet is the best way to naturally achieve results, it is not feasible with the current schedule of work and activities.  In a perfect world we would all have personal chefs that could prepare meals to meet our dietary needs.  If I have indicated that I was looking for the miracle pill to gain strength without work, I apologize.  I just want to make sure that all the building blocks needed for muscle gain are provided. 

  3. Sharkbaer... My 2 oldest sons have been taking whey protein, multi vitamins and b-complex for 2 years. Both boys are built different. I learned that for my leaner son, he added glucose to his whey protein drinks. He has jumped up from 155 to 170 lbs as of this this week. Both boys eat protein meats along with the supplemental shakes.  Both boys play football (college and high school). They continue to workout 4-5 days/week. Give the whey protein time. How long has your son been on his whey protein program?

    Just got back on the whey.  Have noticed about a 5lb. gain just in this short time.  Hitting the gym three time a week.  Having trouble working in the lifting due to summer baseball practices and games.  He's playing pitcher and 3rd base.  Think he has a case of the summer lazies sometimes too.  No need for a testerone booster since he is turning 14 and seems to have girls on the brain.

  4. why does anyone need supplements. why does anyone need help from a pill are you to lazy to do it yourself.

    I don't think that anyone is asking for a pill that will do everything for them without any work.  My purpose would be for supplying the body with the things it needs to maximize it's potential.  Lazy, maybe, in not willing or making the time to prepare the meals that would provide the adequate vitamins and proteins needed.

  5. No, sometimes too much powder protein is hard for the body to break down,and can cause some problems, but protein is safe..... what are your kids attributes? Height, Weight? 40, Bench? etc....

    He's going to be a freshman this year.  He is about 160lbs. and about 5' 7".  His bench is around 185-190 with a squat around 250-260.  Not so sure about the 40 time, but he played linebacker and fullback last year. Definetly needs work getting out of the blocks.  Seems to be mostly interested in football but is playing summer baseball right now and enjoying it.

  6. Just wanted to put in my two cents.  No matter what your wife or girlfriend tells you, "size does matter!"  Just think of the number of kids in the US that are great ball players.  If you had to pick between a 5' 2" player and a 6' 2" player, which one do you think will get chosen?

  7. It's all been in good fun.  I have enjoyed the banter.  Hopefully, in the near future, I will have some dogs in the fight.  I have two boys that are future leopards.  My eldest is going to be a freshman this year, and my youngest is going into second grade.  I will check in on ya'll periodically and see what ya'll are debating.  Enjoy your victory, it never lasts long enough.

  8. Yep, hate that I missed the game.  You know, you have to ride with your team until the wheels fall off, I hate it that my wheels fell off in the final game though.  Would have liked to see my leopards win, but it was not to be.  It was a fun ride though.  Don't mind dinning on crow every once in a while.  I was due to eat some with LE winning a state championship in baseball and then football, was just hoping for another ring for my home town team.  Congrats once again to Jasper.  What do ya'll have in the water down there?  I heard that your team really had some speed on the bases.

  9. I guess I'm missing the boat here.  If LE loses a game, I will not call them losers.  However, I will not call them champions.  I would congradulate them on a great season and wish them well in all their future endeavors.  All four teams are great teams and represent their regions accordingly.  I think that the jest of this thread was that a 3 game series is the best way to determine the best team.  (Unless I have this thread confused with another!)  I guess a would argue that that only proves who has the most depth in pitching.  Guess it really doesn't matter since it will be only one game and then a Champion will be crowned.

  10. Thanks for the tips guys.  I'll check the Chorpus papers for info. :)

    I'm feeling good about Liberty Eylau's chances.  Both our pitchers pitched last year, and we know the results of that.  I understand that this is not last year, but still like our chances.  Wish everyone a safe trip.  Eat a hotdog for me while you are there.


  11. I know that I am probably grasping at straws, but can anyone tell me anything about the Sinton team.  Last time I asked about another team, posters acted like it was a silly request.  Not asking for an actual scouting report just some idea of what to expect.  As a LE fan, I don't mind giving general statements about us.

  12. Sorry I can't ride with you on that one.  Yes, after the tournament there will be only one team crowned State Champion.  Have they all had great winning seasons,  yes!  Don't believe this is T-ball where everybody is a winner though.  If that was the case we wouldn't have the state tournament.  Sorry if I gave you the impression that LE was the favorite to win.  By the polls that I have seen, Abilene Wyle is the highest ranked team.  I believe they were ranked 2nd behind Carthage.  As I have said in past posts, it could be any of the four carrying the trophy home.  I will continue to root for my Leopards.  KALE!!!!!!

  13. I understand, was not trying to take anything away.  You are right, ya'll have faced tough teams and are a great team to represent your region.  I only based my comment on the posts I've read from Celina, Mineola, and Carthage fans.  They made the same comments as you touting their teams.  I am a LE fan and want my leopards to win in Austin and have probably boasted my fair share as well.  Only fact is that after Thursday there will be only one champ.    Good luck to all.

    My only regret is that I won't be able to attend.

  14. Good luck Jasper!! I wish one gamers were not optional at this stage!!!! regardless of who wins you will never know who had the better team!!!

    That has to be the silliest thing I have heard.  You think that the team that wins will think that they are not the best since it was a one game deal?  Only the ones who lose will say, "if only it had been a three game series, we could have shown them who was the better team."

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