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Posts posted by eyesoftexas

  1. Jag86 , please when your group gets to jr high, tell the coaches their not doing it right, tell them to take a look at Florida and California, and studies you have done. I'm guessing you will be either transferring your kid or the door will be hitting you when you are kicked out. Lol
  2. In my opinion the rules and league are good. There is not another league that operates like ours, it is like a jr high league. It is better than any other league I have seen.
    I remember when we all played only each other in our own town. The kids like playing other schools.
    I agree rules should be looked at every year and adjusted appropriately. This should be looked at when the season is over.
    If anything the rules have shown is thst scores can be controlled and running up scores is not appropriate under any excuse or circumstance.
    I understand every school doesn't gave the "talent "like Bmt and Ned. Hopefully one day we will meet those standards. Good luck
  3. I know I could try and explain this to you all day. But this conversation would go no where. Our league thinks it's wrong they were punished. Good luck Nederland . They are talented on both teams, hopefully coaching does not hold them back.
  4. It's only blurry to those who don't know how to control scoring. They figured it out this weekend. But it took punishment. Like Bmt got last year. Our keague has rules and there are some things men should know not to do. If there are those who don't like the rules, there are other leagues.
  5. Why does it take punishment to score 30 and not 60. It just seemed like their were so many excuses why their were 60 points scored. Everyone knows our league rules. One of the Ned teams will win the Super Bowl. Hopefully they can do it with good sportsmanship
  6. I was not at this game just reading and commenting on board. Jag 86 it just seems this team does stuff like this every year, there is no denying that, obviously because the team has been punished in years past, so the league also thinks it's poor sportsmanship and poor coaching. It's just how it's taught on that team. Hopefully they learn from their mistakes, but I don't think they do, different year same style.
  7. Bugatti, I really don't you understand football or sports ethics. Yes if your losing you fight till the end. If your winning by 33 points and it's under a minute , yes you take a knee. It is sportsmanlike to do that. It teaches the kids the right thing to do. Football is a heated in the moment game, but the coaches should have handled that situation better. Hopefully next time they will.
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